Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-15 17:29:25 |
UPDATE Introducing: World Narrative From now on an admin will post weekly "World Narrative" updates, which is a way of the world speaking to individual characters. We will use this for clues, information, NPCs, weather, time (if needed), and etc. Each active character in the RP will be mentioned in the update so everyone has something to do. NEW EVENT After a slight recovery from the fire, all of the high ranks fall unconscious, forced to wake up in a chaos ridden Starclan. They are to partake in the battle of the stars, and if the Dark Forest cats win, the starry cats are cast out into the Dark Forest. CATS WAKING IN STARCLAN: Sunstar, Willowstar, Stormberry, Hollowfall, Snowecho, and Horsetail. REST OF THE CLAN: Your job (if you choose to accept it) is to build the new camp, keep tending to the injured, and find temporary leadership while the high ranks are gone to fight a fierce battle! (Mini quests, and a side event will be coming eventually) Fight on! ![]() Edited on 15/09/18 @ 17:30:09 by Quake™ #Lyricist (#69866) |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-15 17:39:01 |
Sunstar - Co-Leader - 26 Moons - Temp Camp - 40/40 HP - Mentions: Softpaw, Alderpaw, Goldenpaw, Stormberry Sunstar was about to answer Softpaw, but he immediately blushed when Stormberry was mentioned. "Shh, not everyone knows that yet. We plan on telling everyone when we the clan has settled. And yes, Stormberry is a hungry boy, so let's- OH HELLO Alderpaw! Yes, we're just about to head out. Come with us!" He stopped as Goldenpaw approached him. "Hello Goldenpaw! Yes, Softpaw and I were about to go catch some prey for the clan, but you could see about gathering materials for the camp dens. Once the fire has settled, we need to be ready to rebuild." The tom puffed out his chest, confident in his clan to do what was needed to have them thrive again. And just as the feeling came, another one exploded into his chest. He didn't know what was happening, but soon he had fallen to the ground, losing consciousness right in front of Softpaw and Goldenpaw. He wanted to speak, and only got out a few words. "Prot-ect the.. cl-clan-" And moments later, darkness washed over Sunstar. The only cat on his mind was Stormberry. He woke up in soft grass, and opened his eyes. His gaze fell over a starry landscape, with stars and perfect wind. Starclan. ![]() Edited on 15/09/18 @ 18:10:26 by Quake™ #Lyricist (#69866) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-15 18:28:16 |
Stripepaw|13 Moons|Apprentice |15/18 Health|River|Mentions: Sunstar, Goldenpaw, Softpaw Stripepaw heard a thud. He turned towards the noise and saw Sunstar fall to the ground. "Sunstar!" He yowled racing over to his leader. He looked to Softpaw and Gldenpaw. "What happened?!?" He asked looking to Softpaw then to Goldenpaw then back to Softpaw. 'Was he hurt? Was he just tired? Did he lose a life!?!' Stripepaw thought looking to Sunstar. He flicked his ear not knowing what was happening. ![]() |
Denebola (#121897)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-15 18:59:53 |
Stagthorn | 30 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Sunstar, Goldenpaw, Stripepaw, Softpaw, Alderpaw As the clan meeting disbanded, Stagthorn stayed where he sat until the cats had dispersed more. Balancing in a crowd was not exactly easy for the three-legged cat. Just as he stood however, Sunstar collapsed in front of Softpaw, Goldenpaw, and Alderpaw. Shortly after Stripepaw came running up frantically. Stagthorn bounded swiftly over to the leader's body and wove delicately around the apprentices. "Try to stay calm." He meowed, uncharacteristically kind. "Alderpaw andSoftpaw, help me bring Sunstar over to the temporary den that I've been working on and Goldenpaw and Stripepaw go see if you can find a medicine cat." Stagthorn lowered his head and grabbed Sunstar by the scruff and wriggled his way under his leader's body. He then waited for Alderpaw and Softpaw's help. Moving a heavy cat on three legs by himself was just not on the cards. ![]() Edited on 15/09/18 @ 19:02:23 by Denebola {WCU} (#121897) |
Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-15 19:34:52 |
Willowstar | 34 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | River | Mentions: Wolfpaw, Sunstar The two siblings sat beside the river and while they fished, Willowstar patiently taught her brother how to better catch fish, taking the time to point out where he was going wrong. At times, he would seem a bit frustrated, but he would always seem to perk up whenever she would give him a tip or some encouragement. After some time, and a few mistakes, Wolfpaw finally managed to catch a fish without any slip ups, and the older female let out a pleased purr. “Well done, Wolfpaw. If you keep up the progress, you’ll be a warrior in no time.” She then noted that he was getting fairly close to the normal warrior-appointed age and reminded herself of how big the young tom has grown during his apprenticeship. The fluffy apprentice placed his fish next to the two that she had caught and beamed up at her. “Can we share it once we drop the other fish off in the new pile?” “Of course. I think we’ve spent enough time over here and I would rather us not scare all the fish away.” She mewed with a slight teasing tone. Wolfpaw playfully batted at her ear and the two of them picked up their prey and started to head back. As they got a bit closer to where some of the cats were standing around, the fluffy female wobbled as she felt a wave of lightheadedness. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she tried to make sense of the sudden feeling of being lightheaded, but before she could think too much into it, Willowstar was hit by another wave and stumbled as it also blurred her vision. Before she could say anything, everything around her started to grow dark and she felt herself flop on the ground, the last thing she saw being Wolfpaw standing over her with a very worried expression and the sight of Sunstar also collapsing not too far off. The next time she opened her eyes, she could tell that she no longer was in the forest she knew and grew up in. The trees, ground, and sky itself held stars and an almost dream-like state to it, and after a few heartbeats, the female leader realized that she was in Starclan. ![]() Edited on 15/09/18 @ 19:35:40 by -:{~|Lady Vitaliya|~}:- {WCU} (#85592) |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-15 19:40:56 |
Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - River - Mentions: Sunstar, Stagthorn, Goldenpaw, Stripepaw, Softpaw, Willowstar Clearsong twitched his ear as he heard a thump. He looked over from his patrolling around the perimeter of the temporary camp and saw Sunstar laying on the ground, Stagthorn carrying him over to a better spot. Why is he...? he thought, trailing off as he padded over to the small group of gathered cats. "I... I think i've seen this before..." he said slowly. "He's dreaming... though i don't think he's losing a life..." He added when he saw Stripepaw's worried gaze. His eyes glazed as he remembered one time when he was first apprenticed he had gone to the medicine den for a cracked pad. One of the medicine cats had done the same thing Sunstar had just done. If a medicine cat can go though those spasms and be left unharmed, Sunstar should be, too. he concluded. A few moments later he turned to see Willowstar fall down the same way Sunstar had. Clearsong's eyes narrowed, that's... odd... normally only one cat acts like this at a time. Why are there two? Especially leaders? a small prick of fear aroused in his chest. Both leaders had succumbed to those dreams... What could be going on? ![]() Edited on 16/09/18 @ 05:31:59 by Swiftbreeze (#140966) |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-15 20:01:51 |
(None of the cats know they're in Starclan yet, especially cats on the ground~) ![]() |
Kaz 🏳️🌈 ComsOpen (#66075) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-15 20:30:06 |
Brambleheart | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 HP | River | Mentions: Earthquake, Pebblesplash, Rainpaw, Snowecho "Not for long," She responded to Snowecho, watching the tom lean over Earthquake and check his breathing. Before the other had showed up, she had laid down next to the unconscious cat, her head resting on his shoulder blade as she had licked his fur to keep his temperature stable. Brambleheart's fur stood on end but she tried to keep it flat, since everyone else was already panicking. One more worried cat wouldn't do any good. She tried to fight the rising tide of anxiety and panic that she felt inside of her chest as she continued to lick Earthquake's sodden form. Hollowfall | 28 Moons | Co-Deputy | 30/30 | Temp. Camp | Mentions: Sunstar, Goldenpaw, Clearsong, Stagthorn, Stripepaw, Willowstar The dark grey tom was contemplating the tightness he still felt in his chest and maybe whether or not he should talk to Snowecho again, or maybe if that would bother the snowy white tom. As he laid there, he felt a wave of dizziness overcome him but when he heard a commotion, he struggled to his paws. Hollowfall staggered over to where Sunstar had collapsed and everyone was now making a huge commotion. "It's okay. I'm sure we'll all be fin-" Before he was able to finish his sentence, Hollowfall was knocked out by a surge of lightheadedness. His body hit the temporary camp's open space with a 'thud'. The tom was out cold. When he opened his eyes, he got up before shaking out his fur, which was bristling and stood out making him look twice his size, drawing his lips back into a snarl. But, Hollowfall only relaxed when he looked around, seeing Sunstar and Willowstar. ![]() |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-15 20:57:40 |
Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: |Mentions Indirectly: Willowstar, Sunstar|Location: Beside the river Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Featherheart|Mentions Indirectly: Sunstar, Willowstar, Snowecho|Location: In the river - Beside the river - StarClan ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-16 04:05:11 |
Snowecho - 25 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - River - Mentions: Rainpaw, Lynxpaw, Pebblesplash, Brambleheart, Earthquake, Open! Snowecho nodded his head at Brambleheart's response, raising his head again to so he could look over Earthquake again. He thought he must have raised his head too quickly, as he felt a sudden wave of dizziness. He shook his head a little, but the wave came back at a fuller force. He swayed a little. This could not be happening, not now! He was not that exhausted. Before he could force the sudden feelings of dizziness, and a creeping feeling of lightheadedness, he collapsed onto his side away from Earthquake. When he opened his eyes again, he could not recognise his surroundings. Eventually, after chasing the small feeling of familiarity, he recognised Starclan's hunting grounds. "Great!" He mewed sarcastically, slamming his butt down and frowning. "I'm dead!" He huffed. He slumped his head and proceeded to be the grumpiest medicine cat currently 'dead'. Softpaw - 13 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Territory, River - Mentions: Sunstar, Glowpaw, Alderpaw, Stripepaw, Stagthorn Softpaw let out a purr of amusement, nodding his head in a silent promise to keep his charming lips sealed. His purr increased in volume at the sight of Alderpaw, the cat he considered his best friend. He waved his tail when he saw Glowpaw approach, glad to see that the younger apprentice seemed relatively unhurt. "The sooner we get the camp in order, the sooner we get to be warriors, the sooner I can get a mate." He mused happily in addition to what Sunstar said. He puffed his chest out along with Sunstar, about to set off to hunt when Sunstar fell to the ground. "Sunstar!" He exclaimed worriedly, quickly crouching by his mentor. He took in what the older tom muttered, nosing at him when he got quiet. "Sunstar?" He mewed more quietly, worry worming its way into his chest. "No no..." He swallowed back a wail and pressed his head against Sunstar's chest. He finally relaxed when he heard a heartbeat. Soon enough, Stripepaw and Stagthorn caught the white and black tom's attention. He sniffled and nodded to Stagthorn after giving a shrug to Stripepaw. He got up and moved close to Stagthorn, moving under Sunstar's head to take some of the burden. "He told me to protect the Clan." He mewed to the older tom. He knew what it meant, but he was just an apprentice... He needed to pass the message on to Snowecho, Stormberry, Willowstar, or someone else, they would know what to do. ![]() Edited on 16/09/18 @ 06:09:05 by Balder(CleanArcticPatches) (#117962) |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-16 06:03:22 |
Rainpaw - 10 moons - Apprentice - 16/18 - River - Mentions: Snowecho, Brambleheart, Pebblesplash, Earthquake Rainpaw's eyes widened as she saw Snowecho stagger and fall, she dashed forward to brace his landing, but when she backed up, she saw him unmoving. Looking back to Pebblesplash and Breambleheart. "We have to bring them to the temporary camp!" She said shrilley, lashing her tail. She shoved her head under Snowecho's chest and groaned as his weigh was on top of her. "Nnng.. Get... Earthquake..." She growled out, trudging forward. Why was this ball of fur so heavy? Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - River - Mentions: Sunstar, Stagthorn, Willowstar, Hollowfall, Snowecho (ID), Earthquake (ID), Horsetail (ID), Featherheart (ID) Clearsong shook himself out, the deputies could handle this. Turning away from Stagthorn and Sunstar, as they had enough cats to move them, he trotted over to Willowstar and picked the shecat up onto his large shoulders. The strong tom had little trouble moving her over to where Sunstar was, except for when her legs tripped him. "Willowstar did the same thing." He said when he reached Stagthorn. "As long as the deputies are well we should be-" he was cut off when Hollowfall staggered up. When the small gathering looked at him, he said something and stumbled and fell. Clearsong's reassuring words dropping in his stomach like rocks. "At least we don't have to carry him far?" He said, his voice cracking as his fur rose. He almost shook himself until he realized Willowstar was still on his back. "What... What is happening?" He tried to think things over... All of the clan's most powerful cats are going down... I won't believe they're dead! Putting down Willowstar and nodding to the apprentices to help out Stagthorn he dashed to the entrance to prove his theory. Looking right, he saw Horsetail call to Featherheart, left he saw Snowecho helping Earthquake. They seemed fine, his fur lay flatter for a moment as he turned around. Then he heard it. Panic. He whipped around and saw Snowecho on the ground with Rainpaw at his side and Horsetail had also fallen after getting Feathertail's attention. He started to shake, whatever was happening he was ready to fight it! ![]() |
Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584) Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-16 06:20:17 |
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -river- Featherheart looked at Horsetail."Great Starclan."she stood at his body her tail twitched what would happen to them?she thought to herself.She sat down next to him her tail wrapping around her paws her eyes looked around before looking back down at Horsetail.Her eyes had sadness in them now her ears stayed perked up in case anything else happened.Her tail twitched again she would probably sit and think for a while on why all this happened but she couldn't do that now she would need to help her clan first ![]() |
Venomous Flames (#152150)
Angelic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-16 07:08:12 |
Honeyfrost - 36 moons - warrior - 30/30 Health - River - Mentions: Sunstar, Willowstar, Stormberry, Hollowfall, Snowecho, Horsetail (indirectly) Clearsong (Directly) The orange she-cat had been fishing when she noticed a large part of the clan gathered around someone. Perking her ears in confusion, she dropped the fish she'd caught and trotted over. "What's going on?" she asked, before she spotted Willowstar and Horsetail falling to the ground, Snowecho joining them soon after. She forced her fur to lie down but she knew that without their leaders and medicine cats, the clan would go chaos very soon. So she took a calming breath, and turned to Clearsong. "What should we do?" she asked determinedly. ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-16 08:08:21 |
Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - River - Mentions: Honeyfrost Slowly breathing in and out Clearsong managed to settle his fur down. A she-cat's voice sounded beside him and he looked over, "What should we do? She had asked, his ears grew warm as the she asked him that. She clearly was the one with more authority over him, yet she had asked him for directions, he felt humbled. "I was going to try to move all the ones who succumb to this... unconscious state... to one spot so that they can be watched over easily in case something happens..." The young warrior looked at Honeyfrost, seeing if she agreed. The medicine cats, co-leaders, and deputies are down... he thought cautiously, "should we wait until they wake up?" He asked half to himself before he realized he said it aloud. "I mean, we don't know how long they'll be unconscious, it seems to only be affecting high ranks. How long would we last without them?" ![]() |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-16 08:29:07 |
Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Honeyfrost, Clearsong|Mentions Indirectly: Hollowfall, Icepaw, Lynxpw, Snowecho, Horsetail, Sunstar, Willowstar, Stormberry|Location: Makeshift camp Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Sunstar, Willowstar, Holowfall, Stormberry|Location: Starclan ![]() Edited on 16/09/18 @ 08:49:37 by (<LightQueen>)DwarfKing (#59203) |