Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-11-30 20:58:06
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Willowstar | 36 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | Camp | Mentions: Quietshadow, Sunstar, Lionkit, Glade, Stormberry, Swallowfall, All

Everything was chaotic as there was still yelling occurring and soon, a new sight caught her attention of a dark female standing over near Glade. This cat was unfamiliar to her and she felt uneasy how easily strange cats were able to walk into the camp without much of a question. She felt like things were continuing to go downhill and Willowstar let out a frustrated sigh. None of this is how she planned on anything going and she hated seeing her clan torn apart like this. As she pondered what to do, a small voice caused her ears to swivel and when she turned her head, she saw Sunstar talking to a small kit. This kit definitely was a new sight for her as she couldn’t recall any kits being apart of the clan the last she remembered. Hearing him mention Hollowfall had her surprised as she wasn’t expecting the other deputy to be the kit’s father. She wondered why he had never mentioned anything and was curious to know who the mother was, when she noticed Stormberry start to speak.

Her eyes drifted towards where Stormberry had confronted both Glade and the clan and she let out a small huff. It’s not that she didn’t believe in the deputy’s ability to help settle the clan, but with how they had all been acting, she found it hard to believe that they would listen to any of the high ranking cats. Not too long after Stormberry have his thoughts, Sunstar had made his way up onto the Highrock and looked down, addressing the clan as well. While he waited for the clan to quiet down, she slowly got up and made her way to the other leader’s side. As she stood there silently, she noticed a faint look in his eyes like something was bugging him and that he was shaking slightly. Willowstar frowned slightly as she thought of what could be troubling him, but he continued on not too long after she gave it some thought. She was a bit surprised that instead of establishing a clear leadership like many cats wanted, he put them to work by doing patrols and hunting. It was what they needed right now and would be a good way to start getting the clan back in order. Once he finished, the calico female took a step forward, lightly dipping her head at Sunstar before taking her turn.

“I would like that are injured or have been injured recently to stay in the camp and rest. Leaf-bare is here and getting greencough on top of your wounds won’t be a comfortable time for you. The rest of you who are unharmed are to go on the border and hunting patrols. Talk with Stormberry to figure out which to do and if you notice anything unusual, come back and report to us. Also, I would like one cat to talk with me and give me an update as to how things turned out like this.” Her eyes scanned the group of cats below them and landed on a familiar pelt. The silver female looked too large to still be a ‘paw’, but as neither her nor Sunstar had given her a name, so she decided to stick with what she knew. “Swallowpaw, i’d like you to meet up with me as soon as this is over. For now, the injured are to rest and the rest of you, go on and find out what patrol you’re assigned.” She watched Sunstar jump down first and make his way over towards the siamese tom named Glade and Willowstar jumped off the Highrock moments later. Her paws lead her toward the base of the Highrock and she sat down, waiting for Swallowpaw to join her.

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Wolfpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Moor | Mentions: Softsong, Glade, Snowecho, Sunstar, Willowstar, Stormberry, Aldershade, Swallowfall

Hearing the familiar voice of his cousin caused his sorrow to ease a bit and he let out a purr as he headbutted the other tom’s shoulder in return. “I missed you too, Softsong, and it’s alright. I understand why you left. I’m surprised some of the others didn’t go either, especially when they dislike Glade’s leadership as much as they do.” When the black and white tom dropped the rabbit in from of him, he felt his stomach rumble and he thought back to the last time he had eaten a decent meal. Before he took a bite, he paused and looked up at his cousin, hearing his questions and nudged the rabbit so it rest in between them. “How about we both share the rabbit and i’ll catch you up on everything that’s happened so far, sound good?” The fluffy tom asked before taking his first bite from the rabbit. Even though he had always been more of a fish kind of cat, with how little food there was in the camp, even a rabbit tasted as good as a nice fish at this point.

“To start off, they actually just woke up not too long ago. Snowecho woke up first and I was about to go collect some herbs with him while we talked to help keep him away from Glade, but that’s when Sunstar, Willowstar, and Stormberry woke up.” Wolfpaw paused for a moment as he thought about what happened shortly after that, but faintly shook his head and continued on. “As for Aldershade, well, Glade had actually injured him not long ago. He was in the medicine cat den last I saw him, alongside Swallowfall, who Glade had also injured. I left shortly after the rest of the high ranks woke up, so I’m not too sure what’s going on there. My guess is that they’ve already met Glade and I wonder how thing will turn out.”

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-30 22:09:07


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 4/5|Mentions Directly: Sunstar, Maplekit|Mentions Indirectly: All|Location: Camp

Lionkit looked up Sunstar, as the leader spoke. "Alright", the young calico tom said, nodding his head, his answer had been a bit hesitant though. Lionkit might be young, but he was quite perceptive. His uncle was acting strange, almost like he had never meet Lionkit before. Would he remember Maplekit? The young tom was about to explain how he wanted to stay out here, since he felt a bit lonely in the nursery with only his sister as company, but before he could Sunstar walked off.
The calico tom was not brave enough to walk after the leader, so Lionkit stood there for a moment longer. Letting out a slight sigh, Lionkit looked to the nursery. His sister had come out, maybe they could play? A playful twitch came to the kits whiskers, dropping into a crouch, Lionkit creeped around his sisters field of view. Reaching the shadows, that the dens cast, the fluffy calico used them for cover. Setting down his large paws, the young tom tried to be as quiet as possible. Once he was near enough to his sister, a growl came out of Lionkit. In a few paces, Lionkit had leaped into the air and was aiming his large paws towards Maplekit. A playful and quite pitiful, roar was coming from the fluffy toms mouth.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-01 20:13:09


Softsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Wolfpaw, Open!

Softsong could not help his loud purring as Wolfpaw greeted him, unable to decide which paw to stand on. He tilted his head at the mention of Glade being leader now. He was uncomfortable with the thought, only intensified as he remembered how Earthquake was supposed to be leader with Lioncloud. His stomach tightened at the thought of the elder, he missed him so much. He took a deep, shaky breath, then crouched to share the rabbit with his cousin. "Sounds like a fair trade to me." He replied, taking a small bite. He had already had his first meal of the day, so tried to not eat too much.

He felt another wave of relief as it was confirmed that his half-brother was indeed awake, along with the rest of the high ranks. It was good to hear they were up and about again, it probably meant that things would go back to normal soon enough. He could live in a Clan under the leadership of Sunstar and Willowstar, both were fine leaders. And with Stormberry as deputy, nothing could go wrong. His ears flattened as Wolfpaw went on and told about Aldershade's condition. A small growl made it past his lips and he felt surprisingly angry. "How dare he..." He murmured, getting up and looking in the direction of camp. "I need to go back to him, do you think Willowstar, Sunstar and Stormberry will be able to get rid of Glade on their own?"


Snowecho | 27 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Icepaw(ID), Mumblepaw(ID),Horsetail, Clearsong, Open!

Snowecho stared in silence as Clearsong leapt up as if nothing was wrong and spoke to Glade using such familiar tones. He blinked his eyes and glanced at Horsetail. "That's not normal." He stated, returning his confused gaze to the warrior. He felt like curling up and holding his paws over his ears as other cats started yelling again. And that was exactly what he did. Crowds always made him uneasy, but this was just too much. It was too intense. His ears covered as much as he could, he kept himself on his belly to protect it as he recovered from/waited for the situation to de-escelate.

Finally, things started calming down it seemed, and the white medicine cat took the chance to dart over to Clearsong and start dragging him to the medicine den. Once inside, he put him down in one of the nests that seemed free. He acknowledged Icepaw and Mumblepaw there, not disturbing them as it seemed like they were having a conversation. He sniffed at Clearsong's wounds again, they seemed to be fine for now. He went to the back and got some poppy seeds. He took extra care to not disturb the two apprentices. Back with Clearsong again, he put the poppy seeds close to his mouth. "Eat the poppy, it'll ease your pain."

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Edited on 01/12/18 @ 20:13:22 by Balder(PUTP) (#117962)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-01 20:35:19

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Glade, Snowecho

Clearsong heard Slateleaf purr,

"You do remember! Good."

His head nodded for a moment before he felt Slateleaf's control slip.

"I got what I wanted. You may take back control, for now."

He heard her rumbling purr before his senses came rushing toward him. He staggered with the sudden weight and pain that washed over him. He looked at himself for a moment, wincing. His body seemed mostly fine, now. How? Why did he still feel the pain.

After a moment of his vision swirling, he felt his scruff being tugged on as he was lead to the medicine den. The scent that came up was familiar,


He asked weakly, the fur was white, it had to be. He was lead to a nest and laid down, Snowecho disappeared for a moment, returning with a dried poppy. Clearsong watched as he shook a few seeds out.


Clearsong mumbled as he lapped up two seeds. He laid his head in his paws, it would take a few moments before his pain dulled. He smiled softly, uttering another thanks as he relaxed.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-12-01 20:57:20


Swallowfall | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Glade, Sunstar, Willowstar, Stormberry, Snowecho, Horsetail, Aldershade, Softsong, Stripecloud

Swallowfall looked at Glade, an upset feeling settling in her chest. She quickly turned her head when Sunstar began to speak and listened to his instructions. Her ears pricked up at the mention of a hunting patrol and she hoped she could do something to help. Sunstar leapt down from the rock and began to make his way over to Glade. After listening to Willowstar's announcement and specific instructions she began to make her way over to the base of the rock.
"Hello Willowstar, I don't mean to be rude but during the time you and the other high ranks were asleep I became a warrior. My name is now Swallowfall!" She said with a touch of pride. "In short, you, Sunstar, Stormberry, Hollowfall, Horsetail, and Snowecho all fell asleep or something of the sort. We were all very worried and decided to elect a temporary leader and deputies. Lioncloud was chosen as a leader as we all believed in his experience. This were fine for a time and Aldershade, Softsong, Stripecloud, and I were all named warriors. After our vigil we were informed of Hollowfall's death and everything went downhill from there. A pack of dogs was discovered and Lioncloud lost his life to one of them, though only Glade was there to see it. Glade came during the time of the dogs and declared himself leader after Lioncloud perished. I do not remember much as things after that get fuzzy. I was attacked and woke up in the medicine den with Aldershade. Many cats were injured and when I woke up everyone was starving and desperate for water." After finishing her tale, Swallowfall was obviously distressed at having to relive the recent hardships of her clan. "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to protect the clan and I'm sorry you had to wake up to something like this..." She said, trailing off.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-12-02 03:25:48
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Willowstar | 36 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | Camp | Mentions: Swallowfall, Softsong, Aldershade, Stripecloud, Sunstar, Glade, Lionkit

The fluffy calico was grateful that she didn’t have to wait long for the silver female to arrive and let out a small inward sigh of relief that she finally was about to get some answers. She listened as Swallowfall announced that she did in fact have a new name and that it was given to her by Lioncloud when he was elected as a temporary leader due to their absence after they had falling asleep. “Swallowfall, right? It’s a lovely name. A late congratulations on becoming a warrior.” Willowstar quietly tested the new names that she was given to help remind herself for future reference. “Swallowfall, Softsong, Aldershade, and Stripecloud, huh?” She felt a sharp pang when she realized that she wasn’t around for their warrior ceremony and that she wasn’t there for her former apprentice or her youngest cousin and knew when she saw them next, she would have to apologize and congratulate the two of them. Thinking about the rest, rhe female leader didn’t recall suddenly falling asleep nor the possible reason as to why they did. She only remembered falling asleep on me night and then waking up to this. As she tried to think, an image of flames in the camp appeared in her mind and remembered that they had moved camp locations due to a fire on the fresh-kill pile. Glancing around, she realized a fair bit of time had to of passed if it was now leaf-bare and that they camp was repaired.

The next bit of news caused her to freeze as she recalled an early conversation she overheard before either leader had addressed the clan. How Hollowfall could possibly be dead was beyond her and she found it hard to believe. Her gaze slowly drifted towards the familiar pelt of the orange tom and realized that if Hollowfall was really dead, then that meant Sunstar was not yet aware of it and neither was his nephew, Lionkit. Her heart went out for the two of them and knew that it was going to be hard on them once they found out. Once things around the camp settled down, she would take him out and let him know away from the others. She knew the loss of a sibling all too well and knew it would be better to tell them away from others. After hearing about Lioncloud, she understood then why the scent of the old tom was so faint in the elders den. What caught her attention was that this stranger, Glade, was the only one to witness the death of the male elder and went on to take over the clan. She found it suspicious, but decided to hold her tongue and wait for the right moment to confront the siamese tom on it. Willowstar’s attention returned to Swallowfall and seeing her look pained as she told her account of the past events, she lightly draped her tail over her shoulder and gave her a light nudge. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Swallowfall. You did the best you could and that’s all Sunstar and I would ask of you. After all of that, I would find it hard to believe that anything came easy during that time and if anyone should be sorry, it should be me for suddenly leaving you all in a time where every cat was needed to keep things under control.” While she comforted the young cat, a thought crossed her mind and felt that she may as well ask while the curiosity weighed on her. “This Glade fellow, you seemed rather affectionate with one another. Is there possibly something going on between the two of you?”

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Wolfpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Moor | Mentions: Softsong, Glade, Sunstar, Willowstar, Stormberry

At his question, Wolfpaw paused from eating his part of the rabbit to think about it. Knowing the fact that Willowstar didn’t remember him, it was possible that there were other things that she might not be aware of or remember and the same could go for the other high ranking cats. He hated that he doubted their original leadership, but after just waking up and the possibility of them not fully being themselves, he found it really hard to say whether they would be able to or not. “It’s possible that they might be able to, but if anything, I doubt it’ll happen any time soon. With them just waking up and the clan as it is, I don’t think anyone is able to actually drive off or deal with Glade right away. I hate to say it, but Glade is smart and I’m sure he’ll find a way to get things in his favor. I don’t think they might fully be themselves right now. Well, at least, I can confirm that for Willowstar, but I left before I could see anything with Sunstar, Snowecho, and Stormberry, so I can’t say for them.”

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Edited on 02/12/18 @ 03:37:32 by -:{~|Lady Vitaliya|~}:- {WCU} (#85592)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-02 12:21:22

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Quietshadow, Glade, Hawkpaw, Clearsong (ID),
Pebblesplash watched Hawkpaw run off, dismay filling her. Sighing, she returned to camp, her anger reignited upon seeing Glade and the strange new cat. She marched right up to her, eyeing her up and down. A spark of familiarity ran through her. This cat was not a stranger. Gasping, she stepped back.
"Quietshadow?..." NO. nonononono. She was dead. Gone. Pebblesplash had accepted that. But now she was back. Oh StarClan, why... Why was her mother standing with Glade? From what she remembered (not very much), Quietshadow was smarter then that. Then again, she abandoned her family.

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Camp| Mentions: Glade, Pebblesplash, Clearsong (ID)
Quietshadow looked up and down at the she-cat. The same one who had attacked Clearsong.
"Quietshadow?" she muttered. Quietshadow looked over at Glade. How did this cat know her? She couldn't be more then 20 moons. Then her green eyes widened. This was Pebblesplash. Quietshadow, unable to look at her, turned back to Glade. He had said something about their mother.
"What do you mean about our mother? She told you I would come? Is she a medicine cat now? Or something else..." This didn't add up. How had she known Quietshadow was returning? Her eyes narrowed as various possiblities flooded through her. The two most likely being: Either her mother had tracked her and found Glade- but neglected to bring her home- or was dead. Wrapping her tail around her paws, she waited for an answer.

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Edited on 02/12/18 @ 12:27:56 by •Hurri• (#147819)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-12-03 17:45:58
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Icepaw-13 moons-Med cat apprentice-18/18-Camp
Icepaw stared at Mumblepaw. Snowecho was acting kind of weird. She looked around wondering if they would need herbs or if Snowecho got them all. "Wait Clearsong is hurt?" She sighed when would all the fighting stop? She tried not to snicker when Mumblepaw told her about getting hit on the head by Horsetail. She never would have thought that Horsetail would actually hit Mumblepaw. She sighed again. "Alright lets get going. We don't want to waste more time."

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Edited on 03/12/18 @ 17:52:13 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-04 21:06:40


Hawkpaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions:

Hawkpaw swam down his sleek-ish pelt going through the water fairly easily. He looked at the shiny object. It was a strange object. Hawkpaw grabbed it in his mouth his curiosity taking over. He swam back up to the surface. Hawkpaw broke through the water gasping for air. He climbed out of the river and shook the water off his pelt. He stared at the object more closely. It was all different types of colors. There was red, blue, yellow, a mix of green and blue it looked like, even some white. Hawkpaw sniffed it. He couldn't smell anything but the river. "Stupid nose." He grumbled. Hawkpaw cocked his head to the side. "What is it?" He wondered aloud.

(This is what Hawkpaw found, image0

I didn't know what the shiny thing was so I just looked at my wrist and boom idea!)

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Edited on 04/12/18 @ 21:08:19 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-06 12:09:42


Maplekit/Starlingkit | 3 Moons | Kit | 5/5 | [Nursery] | Mentions: Lionkit

Maplekit squealed, falling over onto her side. "Lionkit! Stop it!"
She panicked, and tried to fight back but wasn't strong enough against her brother.
Help me, please!
Don't be such a wimp. Ugh, let me handle this.
Starlingkit woke up, hissing at Lionkit before wapping him on the side of the head with her paw. She knocked him over, her paw on his chest as she gave him a triumphant "Mroowwww!"

Maplekit had no control right now, and it scared her. What was going on?
Starlingkit looked down at Lionkit. "So, looks like we're stuck as littermates. I guess you'll have to do."
She let the tom go, licking her paws as she looked out the entrance of the nursery. Tonight she was going to go out spying.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-12-06 18:42:41


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 24/30|Mentions Directly: Clearsong, Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Glade, Sunstar, Willowstar, All|Location: Camp

The dark sand colored tom stood back, as Snowecho came up to the warrior and gave the warrior some poppy seeds. The warrior seemed better, most of his wounds were healed. The medicine cat looked over to Snowecho, the white tom at least seemed to remember how to treat injured. It still bothered Horsetail, how the fluffy white tom did not remember him. Giving the white tom another look, Horsetail checked Clearsong over. "You seem good now", Horsetail said. Leaning back, he gave a nod.
"If you want to recover in peace and quiet..., Horsetail was about to offer to give the warrior his shoulder to lean on, while going back to the medicine cat den, but stopped as Sunstar called out to the clan. As the leader jumped down the high rock, Horsetail's golden eyes followed the leaders progress. His pelt seemed a bit whiter than normal, Horsetail will have to talk with the tom later on. The medicine cat stepped back a bit, as Glade came to check on the injured warrior. Slateleaf? The medicine cat thought. That name seemed familiar, but why?
The sand colored tom's head snapped up, as another name reached his ears. "Quietshadow?", Horsetail breathed. His head moved over to look at the she-cat close to Glade, he remembered hearing about the she-cat when he was still young. Had the she-cat not died? Horsetail was about to move forward, but stopped himself, as Pebblesplash came up to the dark she-cat.
The golden eyed tom moved over to Snowecho, "There are still a few injured cats left, we should head back to the medicine cat den", Horsetail said. Looking back over his shoulder at Glade, Sunstar, and Willowstar in turn, the golden eyed shook his head. This was getting out of paw, with three cats now claiming leadership, what was going to happen? Turning, Horsetail headed for the medicine cat den, not really waiting on Snowecho to follow.


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 4/5|Mentions Directly: Maplekit|Mentions Indirectly: Snowball|Location: Camp/Nursery

Lionkit grumbled, as his sister first pretended to panic and then pushed him over. The fluffy calico kit growled, as Maplekit stood triumphantly on her brothers chest. "Ya, I guess so, you're stuck with me sis", Lionkit said, with a chuckle. Once Maplekit got off him, Lionkit turned on his side. His blue eyes trained on his sister's back, Lionkit let out a sigh. His littermate had been acting strange lately, why...? The kit paused as he rememed, their mother.
Turning onto his belly, Lionkit shook some stray leaves from his thick pelt. "Maplekit", he started, coming up behind his sister. Nudging his sister's shoulder with his nose, Lionkit sat down next to her. "Come on there, little leaf", Lionkit said, in a kind voice. He used the nickname, their mother had always used for his sister. "No need to sulk or anything like that, after all you have me", the calico kit said with a chuckle. Reaching over, he gave his sister's ear a playful nip. "Now then", the young kit said, jumping to his paws, "what do you want to do now?", Lionkit said, wiggling his long tail back and forth playfully.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-06 20:45:35

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Horsetail, Pebblesplash (ID)

Clearsong let himself doze off into a short nap, just long enough that when he woke he saw Horsetail enter the den. Clearsong twitched his paw before sitting up, he felt like his usual self for the time being. He never knew when Slateleaf would try to take control again, it scared him a bit.

"Hey." He said, looking at Horsetail before testing out his pain level with a stretch. "Things seem to be fine now... odd. Whatever you did, thanks, Horsetail." Clearsong said with a small smile.

His worst pain was in his face, it burned with the sensation of healing and he felt a small bit of sticky herbs on it. He felt the heat straight across his nose and figured he'd probably gotted scratched in his attempt to free himself from Pebblesplash.

His thoughts paused for a moment, Pebblesplash Clearsong thought sadly, "I'm sorry..." He whispered softly. He made his was to a wall of the medicine den to be out of the way, he also didn't think anyone would want to socialize with him after what had happened.


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 |Near the Moor | Mentions: Aldershade, Softsong, Wolfpaw

Rainpaw watched as the trees thinned out as she padded along with Aldershade. She missed the days when leaves filled the trees and animals scuttled about, now there was the soft clacking of branches and the slight crunch of dead leaves underpaw. Rainpaw dreaded the first snow and wished it was new-leaf again soon.

No sooner had she thought that did she hear the sound of voices speaking carried on the wind. She focused her attention and smelled Wolfpaw and a slightly windblown version of Softsong's scent. Looking up, she felt her pace quicken, she knew he hadn't left!

She knew she had gotten Softsong's attention when the tom looked over, tilted his head, and saw his eyes light up. She waved her tail to the tom and let out a small laugh as Softsong zipped past her to Aldershade, sniffing him happily.

Rainpaw looked at Wolfpaw, "I expected this." she said, amusement lacing her voice. It had been a while since she genuinely smiled, she missed it.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-06 21:38:18


Stripecloud|15 moons|30/30|Warrior|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw, Hawkpaw

Stripecloud nodded to Rainpaw telling her he was fine. He stood up and looked around. The tom spotted something a little strange. Well, maybe not that strange in his mind. Hawkpaw was just staring at the ground. Stripecloud realized he had nothing else to do so he walked over to the tom. "Watcha ya looking at?" He looked at the strange object on the ground. Hawkpaw looked back at Stripecloud.
"I don't actually know. I think twolegs use it but I really don't know." The brown tom murmured. Stripecloud sniffed it.
"I can get the faint scent of twolegs on it." He murmured to the tom. Hawkpaw nodded and stood up.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-12-08 12:42:35
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: [OPEN]
Earthquake turned on his side, his aching muscles now soothed from a nights rest. It had been a long while since he'd slept like this he almost didn't ever want to leave the warmth of his nest, but reluctant he got up.
As his large bulk squeezed out of a naked bush, he breathed the crisp air that stuck on his thick coat. He instinctively moved to the center of a clearing, awaiting any oders given to him, but he relished the free time he had.
He knew their problems weren't over, but he still appreciated the moment of peace, his warm breath coming out in cloudy billows before him.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-12-08 14:44:53

Harepaw~13 Moons ~Apprentice~8/18~Makeshift camp~Mentions: Snowecho, Clearsong (ID), *OPEN*

Harepaw winced a little to herself at Horsetail's scolding of the clan. He's right though. You were acting like a kit. She hobbled back to the medicine den as orders for patrols and hunting were given. Her claws clicked on the ground as she walked, yearning to go out with the other cats--to be helpful around here again. Her hind legged throbbed with pain, and she wondered if she would be able to go and do normal things again. And her ceremony, she had almost forgotten about it admits the chaos of camp lately. She took her usual spot in the den, and sat, her bad leg stretched out to the side.
"Snowecho, my leg is hurting again." She said softly, a little defeated. She glanced at Clearsong as he laid down a little ways more into the den. She liked being close to the opening of the den, so she could still see the clan life going on, even if she wasn't apart of it still. She worked her claws in the ground, watching them as well. She wanted to approach the tom, and offer comfort, as he probably needs it, and might be lonely for a while after everything, but she didn't want to disturb him either. Maybe he wants his space? She worked her paws more.

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