Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-08 19:38:05

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harepaw (ID), Hawkpaw (ID), Pebblesplash (ID), Earthquake (ID), Willowstar (ID)

Clearsong twitched his ear as another cat walked into the den, keeping his eyes closed and his chin in his paws. He didn't want to draw himself any attention.

After Harepaw had spoken, however, he turned his head in his paws and opened his eyes a bit to look at her. I haven't sparred with her in a while. He thought, sadly.

He smiled a bit, Harepaw had defended him when the clan was against him. When his sister was against him. Harepaw, Hawkpaw, and Earthquake were the only ones willing to believe that Clearsong hadn't done harm to Willowstar purposefully. That there was something deeper going on.

Through slitted eyes, Clearsong watched Harepaw's movents, partially curiously gazing, mostly lost in thought. It's bothersome that she hurt her leg, I can see it's really affecting her. His eyes were open now, watching as she looked around. A gentle smile slid across his face at how peaceful it seemed in the medicine den. He knew he'd be kicked out soon for taking up space, but for now he relaxed, enjoying the slight sun waver through the empty branches and onto his fur.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-12-09 08:33:21
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: [D] Clearsong [ID] Harepaw
Earthquake's eyes shifted to Harepaw, the young apprentice was quite strong for her age, despite her impaired leg he just knew that she'd grow up to be a fantastic warrior.
He scanned again, wondering who else had woken "Clearsong." he all but murmured, the med-cat looking undisturbed and he'd hate to interrupt his peace but he had a lot on his mind.
"Everything alright down there?" he asked warmly, as he sat next to his nephew in the coming cold. He truly was concerned about Clearsong but a simple question would hopefully milk out into him actually conversating with him.
He studied the various scars on his nephew, he frowns but when he looks into Clearsong's face, he tries to give a supportive aura with a small smile.

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Edited on 09/12/18 @ 08:35:47 by MuletideMarshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-12-09 12:13:30


Mumblepaw | 14 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Horsetail / Stripecloud / Hawkpaw / Snowecho (ID) / Clearsong (ID) / Harepaw (ID)

Mumblepaw gave Icepaw a nod of agreement before looking around the medicine cat den. He was surprised to see so many cats inside now. He saw Harepaw sitting in one of the nest telling Snowecho about her hurting leg, he could see Horsetail nearby and Clearsong was sulking in the corners. Mumblepaw frowned a bit as he stared at Clearsong, the warrior's wounds seemed healed but he knew it couldn't be the same for his emotions. The young tom felt the need to apologize to Clearsong, maybe even attempt to comfort him, but now was not a good time. Turning his attention over to Horsetail, Mumblepaw stood and begin to walk towards the medicine cat. As he reached Horsetail, the apprentice did not look the sandy tom in the eyes, instead having his yellow orbs shift to the left as he spoke. "Icepaw is over there," he pointed his tail to the tortoiseshell she-cat's direction before continuing to speak. "I doubt you need me for anything else so I'll leave." He finished, giving the medicine cat a simple annoyed 'tch!' before passing him and leaving the medicine cat den.

Mumblepaw took in a long, deep breath, the cold air filling his lungs and then exited as he exhaled. Mumblepaw padded around camp. He desperately needed a distraction, to get his mind off of all the current events. Perhaps he could find somebody to help him get a few things off his chest, but who? Mumblepaw wasn't really close to anyone in the clan. Hawkpaw? Stripecloud perhaps? Did those two even enjoy Mumblepaw's company, did anyone ever enjoy his company? Probably not. He snorted to himself. The tom paused as he saw two figures, he recognized the two as Stripecloud and Hawkpaw. They seemed to be... chatting? Mumblepaw blinked, beginning to walk over to the two. The tom could remember how Stripecloud told him he didn't really like Hawkpaw so long ago, back when Stripecloud was still Stripepaw. He frowned a bit, it's been a while since Mumblepaw and Stripecloud had a proper conversation, he sort of wanted to know how the tom was doing. "Hey," He mewed to the pair when he got close enough, they seemed to be looking at something but Mumblepaw couldn't make out what. "What are you two doing?" He huffed, his tail swayed slowly.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-12-09 16:42:03


Stormberry - 33 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Sunstar (ID), Willowstar (ID), Swallowfall (ID), open!

Stormberry felt a little bad about cutting off his conversation with Sunstar, but in his mind, it had to be done. What kind of chaos had taken place while they had been in StarClan? Clearly, he had not woken up in the same Clan that he had originally fallen asleep in. The seasons were changing too, as the ground felt cool on his paw pads, and his breath billowed out visually in front of him. The whole sight unnerved him, and as no cat seemed to respond to what he had said, he felt embarrassment and anger bubble up inside him. Did his position as deputy not matter anymore? Did he even matter anymore?

The large tom was broken out of his thoughts when Sunstar addressed the Clan, and with that came a bit of formality. Maybe he could leave Sunstar and Willowstar to figure things out with this Glade character, while he could focus on trying to organise some fresh-kill and water for the Clan. Turning his head, he noticed his old apprentice talking to Willowstar. She definitely looked older now, maybe even received her warrior name, if such a thing had been possible while the high-ranking cats were unavailable. His heart ached at the thought. Swallowpaw had felt almost like a daughter to him, and he had wanted so desperately to be there for her at her warrior ceremony. With the need to organise hunting patrols as a matter of urgency, and an intense need to catch up with his apprentice, he turned tail and padded over to the pair of she-cats, dipping his broad head to them in greeting. He wasn't intent in disturbing them while they were still talking, but once the tabby she-cat was free, he was intent on asking her to come on a hunting patrol with him, as well as any other warrior fit and well enough to join them.


Aldershade - 16 moons - Warrior - 30/30 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Rainpaw, Softsong (ID), Wolfpaw (ID)

Aldershade felt a rush of confidence as Rainpaw agreed to come with him to find Softsong, of course unaware that the tom had already been found. Just as much as it was about finding Softsong, it was about getting out of camp for a while, feeling like he had some kind of freedom over what he did and where he went. Recently, such things had been a great rarity. He trotted eagerly alongside the she-cat, and almost let out a sigh of relief as they approached the moors. He missed running alongside Softsong and his Clanmates across the vast grasslands...

As they got closer, he picked up the faint scent, not only of Softsong, but of...Wolfpaw?

"Rainpaw, did you smell--" He began to speak, but her quickened pace suggested that she already knew. His heart started to thud in his chest, and the thin tom summoned his energy and let his long legs carry him, his tail streaming out behind him. He almost found himself tumbling to a halt before Softsong and Wolfpaw, both the cold and his hunger taking their toll on his fragile form. Still, all he could do was let out an uncharacteristic yowl of delight - weak as his body was, his spirit was undoubtedly to receive a much needed boost.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-09 18:05:16


Stripecloud|16 moons|30/30|Warrior|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Mumblepaw, Hawkpaw

Stripecloud looked over at Mumblepaw. He flicked his ear. How long had it been since they talked? Too long, that's for sure. Stripecloud smiled a bit. "Oh, hey Mumblepaw." Stripecloud looked back to the strange object. "We're trying to figure out what this thing is." The brown tom beside him seemed to be lost in thought. Stripecloud stood up and turned around to face Mumblepaw. "There's really nothing else to do." He shrugged licking his paw.


Hawkpaw|14 Moons|Apprerentice|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Stripecloud, Mumblepaw

Hawkpaw looked at the strange object. 'Maybe twolegs use it to lure cats into their homes and that's how they get kittypets. Now that's just a mouse-brained idea Hawk. Maybe find a real idea, one you can actually share perhaps? Okay okay, stop yelling at me.' The thought swirling inside his brain were dumb. He was basically fighting with himself. Hawkpaw didn't notice Mumblepaw until Stripecloud started to talk. 'Great StarClan does he ever shut up? No, Hawkpaw, you never shut up.' Hawkpaw sighed aloud. His brain started to hurt. "Argh, too much thinking." He finally spoke. He looked over at Mumblepaw. "Oh hey Mumblepaw. We're just trying to figure out what this thing is." Hawkpaw meowed not knowing he basically repeated what Stripecloud said.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-12-10 09:52:09


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 24/30|Mentions Directly: Mumblepaw, Snowecho, Icepaw, Clearsong, OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Pebblesplash, Lionkit, Maplekit, Sunstar, Stormberry, Willowstar|Location: Camp

Horsetail looked over, as Mumblepaw spoke and then quickly left. This all happened, before Horsetail could utter a single response. Maybe he was still disgruntled, about Horsetail waking him over the ears, maybe that had been a little much. Shaking his head, Horsetail turned back and looked over Clearsong again. His wounds where injured, but his mental scars, would they heal as well? What had gotten into Pebblesplash? Tapping the warrior on the shoulder with his tail, the dark sand colored tom gave him a nod. "You can stay here, as long as you need too", the medicine cat said, in a kind voice. Even though his physical wounds had healed, he probably still needed time to heal his mind.
Turning, Horsetail looked over the other cats in the medicine cat den. Everyone seemed treated and looked after, good. He watched, as Icepaw worked. Maybe they needed another medicine cat, but who? It would be too long, to wait for Maplekit or Lionkit to show in interest in it, maybe one of the current apprentices would like to switch? The tom thought. As his mind wandered, his golden eyes fell on Snowecho's back. A tightness gripped Horsetail's heart, the white tom had truly forgotten, hadn't he? The sand colored tom's tail sank and his long tail brushed the ground, what could he do? Maybe they could find a quiet moment and talk? and then.... and then what? A heavy sigh escaped Horsetail, this made thin flanks rise and fall, revealing the ribs under his thin pelt.
Turning, the tom walked out of the den and sat down, it pained him too much to look at Snowecho at the moment. His golden eyes swept over the cats in camp, resting momentarily on the leaders and Stormberry. Now that he had a peaceful moment, Horsetail was certain and Sunstar's coat had grown lighter. Did the others have any effects from their strange encounter as well? He should ask one of them, maybe Stormberry, though right now he seemed busy organising patrols. Horsetail scuffed his right white paw on the ground, absentmindedly. His eyes fell on a small group gathered near the river, what was going on? As the cats shifted around, he something small and sparkly. One of the apprentices, must've found something. As his golden eyes moved over the young cats gathered, they landed on Mumblepaw. 'Maybe...', Horsetail started to think, trailing off.


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 4/5|Mentions Directly: Maplekit, Hawkpaw|Mentions Indirectly: Mumblepaw, Stripecloud|Location: Camp

Lionkit did not realy wait for his sisters response. Leaping forward, he landed a whiskers length from Maplekit's face. Reaching forward with one of his fluffy paws, he booped his sister on the nose. Chuckling the young kit said, "Gotcha", and quickly turned on his heels and bolted off. Racing along, his blue eyes fell on a small group gathered around, something. Looking back, just to make sure that Maplekit was still chasing him, Lionkit laughed. Tacking up a bit of speed, the fluffy calico dived head first between Stripecloud and Mumblepaw. Stopping right next to the sparkly thing, Lionkit's eyes grew wide. "Uu, that's pretty", Lionkit said, leaning forward a bit to give it a sniff. It smelled a bit like the river. The kit looked over at Hawkpaw, "What is it? Is it a two-leg thing, like this?", he asked, lifting up his right foreleg with the blue two-leg ribbon tied around it.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-10 16:01:52

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkpaw, Clearsong (ID)
Pebblesplash turned away from the newcomer and padded over to Hawkpaw. She had to apologize.
”Hawkpaw... I really am sorry. I hope that you can forgive me. On a side note,” she paused, ”Would you like to go hunting with me? Like, I don’t care when:.. just soon.” Pebblesplash shuffled nervously. She had never asked someone besides Clearsong to go hunting with her, and since she couldn’t go confide in him... besides— she was ready to find someone new.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-10 16:21:31


Hawkpaw|14 Moons|Apprerentice|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Stripecloud, Mumblepaw

Hawkpaw looked over at Pebblesplash. He smiled and looked over at Striepcloud and Mumblepaw. "I'm gonna go hunting with Pebblesplash. For the Clan. I'm sure you guys can figure out what the object is, your smart, sometimes." He dropped his voice at 'sometimes' so they wouldn't hear. Stripecloud nodded and turned back to Mumblepaw. Hawkpaw looked back to Pebblesplash feeling as if his heart would explode with happiness. Hopefully, no one interrupted them, again. "I'm ready when you are." He smiled again.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-10 21:07:25


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 |Returning to Camp | Mentions: Wolf, Soft, Alder, Open!
(I'll write Clearsong's tomorrow)

Rainpaw stood, looking over at Wolfpaw, "I'll start heading back, then." She said, shaking some of the softly falling snow from her pelt. "You can stay if you want, but I'm not about to freeze over knowing how our clan is acting." She turned away, flicking her tail as she did so to show she was talking to all of them, before sauntering off toward camp. Now that she knew her clanmate was safe, she fslt okay leaving them behind, they knew their way back.

On her way back through the increasingly wooded forest as it transitioned away from moor, Rainpaw decided to climb an elm tree too look over the forest. The branches rattled as she slipped her way up them and she stopped on a decently sized branch half way up the tree. Most of the green forest was brown bark and white snow, with the exception of the isolated pine forest some distance from her. The fire that had spread throughout camp a few moons ago had left a small gray scar in the midst of the empty brown trees.

So much had been happening recently that Rainpaw hadn't noticed the little changes happening naturally around her. The way the snow crunched softly underpaw. The lack of chattering from birds. How her silvery, dappled coat had fluffed up from the changing seasons.

Rainpaw, had grown older, too. She hadn't even noticed that she was well past the age of becoming a warrior. At one point, she would have complained on end for days, nonetheless thought of fifty different warrior names that she could have.

Rainpaw laid down, watching her billowing breath make clouds in front of her as she finally took a moment to relax and think about what was going on. It was so easy to get wrapped up in all the tribulations of life.

Snow continued to fall as Rainpaw descended the tree, chilling her ears and nose as it melted. She felt a small shiver run through her her hungry body as she padded toward camp, leaf-bare had finally arrived. Calmness encapsulated her.

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Edited on 10/12/18 @ 21:09:09 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Bast)🍃 (#140966)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-12-10 23:13:52


Mumblepaw | 14 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud / Hawkpaw / Lionkit / Pebblesplash (ID)

Mumblepaw gave a glance at the two toms before looking down at the object. "Hmm. It remind me of pebbles, but it seems to be stuck together.." He mewed as he softly pawed at the object. Mumblepaw continued to do so before he heard Hawkpaw speak, telling him and Stripecloud that he would go hunting with Pebblesplash. "...Have fun you two, I guess?" Mumblepaw huffed. Turning his attention back to Stripecloud and the object. "Hmm.." The tom hummed in frustration, he was completely stumped. His ear perked as he heard Lionkit speak. He looked down to see the kit. Oh great.. He mumbled. Kits were hyper, loud, and filled with imagination.. all the things Mumblepaw believed he was not. He wasn't sure how to act towards kits. "L-Lionkit.." Mumblepaw stammered. Kits.. like... they like.. Oh for Starclan's sake! Why is this so difficult? He's just a really small cat! The tom screeched in his head. He watched as Lionkit began to mess around with the object. Does he like it? What do I do, take it from him? Am I suppose to? No, that'll just make everything worse! He screeched to himself once more. Mumblepaw turned his head to Stripecloud, his face completely terrified as his eye twitched frantically. "Do something you overgrown toad! You're the warrior! Tell me what to do, help me, something! What if he eats it?! Mumblepaw whispered to the tom.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 09:46:37


After the pointing of fingers and the clashing of clanmates, everyone finally decided to rest for the night. Well.. a few nights. It is now morning, and snow is falling softly and quietly to the ground.

The clan is quiet.

Sunstar and Willowstar are awaken by their duties to carry out some long awaited ceremonies.

As they climb onto the High rock, they can't help but notice Glade sitting by the elder's den, staring up at them.


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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 09:59:49


GLADE | CAMP | MENTIONS: Sunstar, Willowstar, Quietshadow, Clearsong, (ID) Everyone

Glade woke with a start. His pelt was warm, as he'd spent the night with Quietshadow in the elder's den. He stretched his muscles, poking his sister. "Come on, sleepyhead. We can't sleep the day away."
He rolled back his shoulders, stepping out of the den and looking up at the sky. Somehow the sun was shining, and yet there were small flakes of snow floating down to the earth's floor.
You will never be as powerful as them.
Glade swallowed, catching movement in his peripherals. He noticed Willowstar and Sunstar making their way up to the High Rock. It must be how they summon the clan.
You should leave, before they kill you. This place isn't worth it.
He stared into Sunstar's eyes, hoping that he sent a shiver down the leader's spine. Glade started licking his paws, making sure they were clean. His pelt got slightly wet from snowflakes melting on his fur, but he didn't mind.
Take Quietshadow and Clearsong and leave. Pebblesplash wouldn't come, even if Clearsong begged her. Start over with your family.
The siamese had all these thoughts running through his mind, yet he didn't know how to act upon them. When the time comes where he has to make those decisions.. he better be ready.

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sp00kypaw (#130539)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-12-11 10:56:13

Olivekit(paw) - Camp - Mentions: Maplekit, Lionkit

Olivekit was awaiting her apprentice's ceremony since she could think! Oh how exciting! To finally get away from the nursery and explore the areas outside the camp. She had once ventured outside the camp while chasing an injured bird but later found herself face-to-face with a rogue. She well understood the code now, and the dark tortoiseshell had sprung on her soft black paws and stretched as she waddled outside, waiting for the ceremony to start. She caught a glimpse of a mysterious colorpoint tom but brushed the thought away. He's just another warrior I guess. Oh well....

She pranced back inside the den and squeaked at her two denmates, "Maplekit! Lionkit! Guess what today is!?" The tortoiseshell wiggled her behind playfully as her fur spiked with excited.

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Edited on 11/12/18 @ 12:13:59 by sp00kypaw (#130539)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 12:06:57


Sunstar | 29 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | [High Rock | Camp] | Mentions: Willowstar, Glade, Everyone

Sunstar woke up in the leader's den, groaning when his neck hurt. He had felt uncomfortable the whole night he was asleep. He couldn't ease his mind with so many foreign cats in the clan. The co-leader stretched, his paw accidentally slapping Willowstar in the face. "Mroow! Time to do that ceremony Willow."
He chuckled, getting up and smoothing down his fur. He saw snow falling outside, and it brought a smile to his face. Even though it was leafbare, they'd still be able to make it. He could feel it.
He stepped outside, making his way to the High rock. Sunstar closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the crisp and fresh air before breathing out. He opened his eyes, and they instantly landed on Glade's. His heart almost stopped beating. Did nobody watch the mysterious visitors last night?
Suddenly a realization washed over him. He didn't yell out to the clan yet. He turned to Willowstar, who was not far behind him on making her way up the rock.
Sunstar felt panic rise in his chest. "Willowstar.. my brother is missing. Hollowfall would have been back by now, wherever he went. I need to know where he is."
With Glade's stare on his back, he didn't know how to keep himself under control. Small mews caught his attention, and he saw Lionkit with a couple more kits in the nursery. His heart fell. He didn't know how to be an uncle. Well.. he knew for sure that he would spoil the kits. There was no question about that.
Hollowfall has a lot to explain when he gets back here. Especially how he somehow became a father when I was gone! Was it with Snowball? Hmm.. She's been gone for a bit too. I wonder where they could be? Maybe they went on a honeymoon.. without telling anyone...

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 12:18:35


Maplekit/Starlingkit | 3 Moons | Kit | 5/5 | [Nursery] | Mentions: Lionkit, Olivekit

Maplekit growled slightly from being woken up. She yawned with a slight mew at the end, opening her eyes to a very excited Olivekit. "It's too early. Go back to sleep Olivekit."
She's acting more like a kit than you are right now. Ha.
She gave up, getting to her paws. She prodded Lionkit in the side, saying "Come on Lionkit! Time to have fun!" Maplekit grabbed some of the nesting, molding it into a ball.
Very mature.
She ignored Starlingkit, and tossed the ball at Olivekit. "Might help to let some of the excitement out right now! Or else you might freak out when it happens."
Ugh, fine. I'm going back to sleep.
I don't know who you are or what you want, but please leave me alone.
Well, here's the thing. I am you. But I'm also someone else. My name's Starlingkit. And I'm going to be a better warrior than you ever will.
Maplekit's pelt shivered. She didn't know what to do. Or who to talk to. She wished her mommy and daddy were here.

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Edited on 11/12/18 @ 12:24:23 by Quakeflakes™ (#69866)

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