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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-12-11 13:01:47

Harepaw~13 Moons~Apprentice~18/18~Makeshift camp~Mentions: Glade (ID), Sunstar(ID), Willowstar (ID), Olivekit(ID), Lionkit(ID), Maplekit(ID), *OPEN*

Harepaw shivered in her bed. She had lost a little weight while Glade was in charge; she really hadn't noticed until the first snow that had started to fall last night. Last night was the first night she had spent outside of the medicine den, and it wasn't that restful. She sighed, and pulled herself out of her bed. She gave herself a few quick licks to tidy herself, before walking out of the Apprentice 'den' and went into the clearing. Her paws crunched the thin layer of snow on the ground, as she searched for a non-covered spot to sit in while she waited for others to wake. She watched Glade closely as he watched Sunstar, before he returned to bathing. She would never accept the tom as a clan mate, even if he did get a warrior name. She pulled her tail tighter around her paws. The sound of kits playing brought her attention to the nursery, where we watched the kits play for a moment, before looking back at Glade.

Blossomheart~22 moons~Warrior~30/30~Makeshift camp~Mentions: WIllowstar (ID), Sunstar(ID), Olivekit(ID), Lionkit(ID), Maplekit(ID), *OPEN*

Blossomheart had placed her tail over her face to keep it warm through the night. She slowly moved her tail from her face as she raised her front half up. She gaped her mouth in a giant yawn, a cloud of breath blurred her vision in the dim 'den'. She gave herself a few licks as she woke up some more, before getting out of her bed. She walked quietly out of the den, not wanting to wake the others. A few cats, and kits, had woken before her. She was surprised that she had slept in so much that the kits woke before her. But I guess it didn't matter in the end. She looked around to find a spot to sit, as Sunstar and Willowstar approached high rock.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-11 13:28:08


Softsong | 16 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Open!

Softsong felt nervous about being in the camp, sure he had come back a few days ago, but he still felt like most of his clanmates hated him for disappearing on them during the reign of Glade. Once he had been found by Aldershade and Rainpaw in addition to Wolfpaw, he had insisted on hunting for both of them. He had used his newly found skills in the tunnels and driven out a rabbit for the warrior and apprentice to share. When he had returned to camp and seen Glade's actions and the hunger and pain he had caused, he felt guiltily happy for not having been there during the hardships. He had volunteered for all the hunting patrols to make up for his absence, and had spent an entire night with Snowecho, who now insisted on being called Snowstorm. He was surprised to learn that his older brother had no recollection of the rest of the high ranking cats. Oh well, as long as he knew who he was.

The black and white tom was snuggled up close to Aldershade in the warrior's den that morning. He opened his eyes after shifting in his den and nudged at him. "Time to wake up." He purred softly. He leaned over to his fellow warrior and gave his head a lick. "My fur's all tangled from sleep, so someone needs to help me detangle it." He said, getting up and stretching out, his tail curling over his back.


Snowecho | 28 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Open!

Snowstorm had been awake for a while by the time he heard the noises of his clanmates waking. He had already been out of camp to see the situation of the herb patches. They were of course covered in snow, so he hoped they had enough herbs to last leaf-bare. He briefly recalled the herbs he had seen in twolegplace, and guessed he could always go there to fetch them if someone got greencough. He was now sorting through the herbs in his store, and had come to terms with the other cat who claimed to be a medicine cat. Horsetail seemed to know herbs as well as himself, so it was probably fine. Feeling satisfied with his sorting, he decided to go out to stretch his legs and get some fresh air.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 13:52:33
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Willowstar | 37 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | Camp | Mentions: Sunstar, Glade, Everyone

The fluffy calico was curled up in her nest when she felt something smack her face. She let out a small grunt and cracked open her eyes to see it was none other than the tom she shared the den with, Sunstar. While going back to sleep felt ideal, she knew that the ceremony was due to happen and the sooner they got it done, the more warriors they would have. From what she had heard, it was long overdue to give the current apprentices their warrior names and they would be able to make a new apprentice as well. She heard Sunstar let out a small chuckle as he finally made his way outside and let out a yawn before pushing herself to her paws. Her eyes scanned the den and relaxed, thankful that there were no changes to the den during the time they were away. With that thought, she faintly smiled to herself before stepping out into the camp and taking a moment to watch the snowflakes fall. Leafbare was usually a rough time for the clan, but with the incoming warriors and their various skills, she felt that there shouldn’t be too many problems.

Her eyes caught Sunstar making his way up onto the Highrock and she turned to follow after him. As she made her way up the large rock, she noticed that the orange tom froze and followed his gaze over towards the elder’s den. Sitting outside of it happened to be Glade, who seemed to be staring right back at the tom beside her. Her gaze was filled with indifference as she glanced at the siamese tom, as she still wasn’t sure what to think of him. She wasn’t keen on how he handled the clan, but in that time, the camp was rebuilt and everything still seemed to function almost like regular clan life. While she wondered how she would think of this stranger, hearing a panicked Sunstar caught her attention and she flinched at his words. The calico female knew it was a matter of time before the other leader would mention his brother and she knew that it was time for her to say something to him about Hollowfall’s fate. “I-“ Hesitating, she paused for a moment before deciding after the clan meeting would be best. “I may know something about your brother, Hollowfall. After the ceremony, would we be able to take a walk? I’d like to talk to you about it without anyone interrupting us.”

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Wolfpaw | 14 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Sunstar, Willowstar

Slipping out of the apprentice den, the fluffy tom spotted the two leaders making their way up onto the Highrock, stopping to talk for a moment before the meeting. He had heard that there would be a naming ceremony today and figured that many of them would become warriors today or that one of the kits would be becoming an apprentice. There was also the matter of a new deputy that they still had to figure out. It was possible all of that would be handled today, but Wolfpaw didn’t feel much excitement over any of it. He cast a glance at his calico sibling before turning away, knowing full well that she still didn’t didn’t have any idea who he was. It was a day that he always looked forward to, but never did he think that there would be a reason for him to be unhappy during it. Wolfpaw padded to the edge of the camp and settled down, waiting for the clan meeting to start so he could leave as soon as it was over.

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Edited on 11/12/18 @ 14:03:51 by -:{~|Lady Vitaliya|~}:- {WCU} (#85592)

Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 14:00:02

Honeyfrost | 36 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Sunstar (ID), Willowstar (ID), Glade (ID), Earthquake (ID), Open

Honeyfrost groggily opened her amber eyes as Sunstar called for the clan. Now that that self-entitled, crowfood-eating, mangeridden, fleabag Glade wasn't in power anymore, she finally had some food in her belly and some pep back into her step. She was hoping to talk to Earthquake before the ceremony but she couldn't seem to find him anywhere. Instead, she saw that fox-heart Glade, calmly licking his paw, as if he didn't cause the clan to self-implode. She let out a low growl as she went past him, making sure her thick tail smacked him a few times in the chest.

She moved to the back of the camp, wrapping her tail around her legs and began straightening out her fur, she hadn't had a proper bath and almost a quarter-moon.

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Edited on 11/12/18 @ 14:06:43 by Venomous Flames {WCU} (#152150)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 14:01:35


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 30/30|Mentions Directly: OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Snowecho, Icepaw, Sunstar|Location: Camp

Horsetail lifted his head up from his nest, he heard voices from outside. Had he overslept? Horsetail made to stand up, but his legs gave way. He felt exhausted, letting out a grunt, the sand colored tabby tom placed his head on the side of his nest. His golden eyes drifted around the medicine cat den, it was a bit colder now in the den, then it had been in the past days. All of the injured cats had left, now it was only Snowecho, Icepaw, and Horsetail himself. They needed another medicine cat apprentice, the tom thought for the utmost time in the past days.
Letting out a sigh, the golden eyed tom pushed himself up. Shaking out his fur, the tom turned his golden eyes to the opening of the den. It was white outside, snow had fallen over night and some small flakes were still falling. Horsetail's thin coat fluffed up and he shook himself, do to his thin coat of fur, the tom was not a fan of the cold. Looking around again, he saw that Snowecho was out already. A shadow crossed the tom's golden eyes, the fluffy white tom had not seemed to remember Horsetail as of yet. Over the past days, the sand colored tom had not found a good time to talk to any of the other ranked cats. What had happened in Starclan? Maybe he could talk with Sunstar, before....
Horsetail could not finish his thoughts though, as the golden leader called for a clan meeting. Not really up to sitting in the snow, Horsetail walked away from his nest and sat down just inside of the medicine cat den. Here he could hear anything the leader would say and see quite well too, but still stay nice and out of the cold white.


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 5/5|Mentions Directly: Maplekit, Olivekit|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Camp

Lionkit grumbled and pushed with his paws, against Maplekit. "Leave me lone", the fluffy kit mumbled. Cracking one of his blue eyes open, the kit looked up at his sister throwing a moss ball at Olivekit. Why was Olivekit so happy? Oh ya, today would probably be the day she'd become an apprentice. Lionkit let out a yawn, as he lifted his head up. His ear twitched, as the noise from outside drifted into the nursery. Why was everyone up so early? Can't they sleep for a bit longer.
Sitting up, his blue eyes drifted over the his sister. Since she was still so close, he might as well. Reaching over, Lionkit battered Maplekit over the ear. It was not hard, but would definitely get her attention. "You're right, let's play. Not in here though, let's go outside", Lionkit said, suddenly his paws were tingling with excitement, as he noticed the white outside. He'd never seen that stuff before, it seemed inviting though, he wanted to go and play in it. Jumping up, the fluffy kit rushed out, pushing passed Olivekit as he did so.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 14:35:17


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 |Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud

Rainpaw padded toward center camp, shaking herself to rid any snowflakes from her fluffy fur. Leaning into a long stretch, Rainpaw felt her muscles let go of any stiffness from the cold night as she looked around her. She sat down, smoothing her fur as she looked around herself.

The camp floor was covered in a thin layer of icy snow, just melting in the early morning sunlight. On the trees, snow rested as well, being disturbed by crows landing in them, cawing to eachother. The sky was a pale blue, white color, snowflakes calmly, softly drifting their way down to meet the earth.

Rainpaw's breath billowed out in front of her as she watched Willowstar and Sunstar make their way out of their den and up the highrock. She watched with an intruiged tilt of her head. Rumor had it that she'd finally become a warrior with the rest of her apprentice friends as well as a new apprentice named. Had it happened a moon ago, Rainpaw would have joyfully skidded around camp, exclaiming that the day had finally arrived.

In that short, one month span, Rainpaw had become more attentive. She took in small details with little interest and reacted without concern or care. She felt like she was drifting along in an empty space. It kind of scared her. Rainpaw didn't know if this was what maturity felt like, or something had happened that messed with the cycle.

Rainpaw's tail tip went numb.

Jumping, she flicked her tail a few times to warm it back up, making a mental note not to get lost in her thoughts in this weather. She looked around once more, and trotted toward the warrior den. Poking her head inside, she noticed the sleeping mound of Stripecloud, she prodded him with her nose.

"Wake up, you sleepy badger! You're not about to miss my ceremony, are you?" Rainpaw teased, letting out a melodramatic huff as Stripecloud stirred.

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Edited on 11/12/18 @ 15:17:50 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Bast)🍃 (#140966)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 15:13:06

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Pebblesplash (ID), Glade (ID)

Clearsong barely slept.

His dreams were plagued by black mist and the scent of the she-cat that had caused him so much trouble. She kept swiping at his face, laughing as she reopened the wound, allowing it to scar, watching the blood drop down his nose. Clearsong tried to run, he tried to make it stop, but her cackling never left him.

Clearsong slipped out of his den while the snow fell, feeling the cold snow sting the fresh wound on his face. The night was dark and his fur felt like it had frosted from snow trying to melt. His face was hot, it burned. He shoved his nose into the snow, when he lifted his muzzle, a red patch remained, panic flaired in his chest.

"If you wish to be like me, you must look like me. Strike fear into those who know us."

Clearsong growled, kicking the snow so the red skittered and dispersed, eventually blending into the white and disappearing. "Leave me alone." He grumbled, before padding back into the warrior's den and curling up beside another sleeping mound.

Clearsong padded into the open clearing once again, slipping around the perimeter to the elder's den. He laid outside, beside the den and warily watched the camp wake. He drifted in and out of attention until he saw his uncle pad out. Pebblesplash was the only immediate member of his family that didn't know about Glade's relationship to herself. Clearsong let out a tired sigh, once again, she'd feel betrayed. At least he stopped bleeding again, however the wound still stung.

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Edited on 13/12/18 @ 05:11:31 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Parhelion) (#140966)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-12-11 15:27:05

Harepaw~13 Moons~Apprentice~18/18~Makeshift camp~Mentions: Clearsong, *OPEN*

Harepaw saw the tom sit outside of the elder's den. She hadn't talked to him much in the past couple days. She felt bad that she hadn't. Her claws scrapped across the cold hard ground for a moment. Stop being stupid! She mentally hissed at herself. Before she really thought about it, she had stood and began walking over to the tom. She sat a little away from him. She didn't want to be this close to the elder's den, especially with both of those outcasts in there. She clawed the cold, hard ground again.
"I," She paused as she suppressed a shudder from the cold. "I'm sorry we haven't talked that much the past few days." She began, looking at the slow grooves being made in the dirt by her nails. "I-I've just been thinking about everything going on lately-and-well--I'm sorry." She blurted out finally after stumbling over her words. She tried to suppress another shudder, but failed.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 15:54:20

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harepaw

Clearsong felt a twinge of guilt as he pushed his sister's feelings away, she wouldn't listen to him even if he managed to convince her to hear him out. His ear twitched as Clearsong heard a cat approaching. He looked over and stared for a while before realizing he was looking at his friend, Harepaw. He looked at his paws, wrapping his feathery tail around them as she spoke.

When she had finished, Clearsong stayed quiet. More guilt washed over him, he had worried her too. He shook his head, looking away before murmuring something just loud enough for her to hear. "It's not your fault. She won't leave me alone." His voice shook, anger and grief filled his vague words. He looked at Harepaw out of the corner of his eye, and moved closer to where she sat, he could see she was uncomfortable with where he was before.

Clearsong kept his head turned away, she'd think him crazy. He didn't know the brown tabby would react to the wound that had never healed on his face or his use of a pronoun. "I'm sorry. I don't- I'm sorry."

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-12-11 16:31:46

Harepaw~13 Moons~Apprentice~18/18~Makeshift camp~Mentions: Clearsong, *OPEN*

She? She was unable to explain the pain of jealousy that stung her chest. You're just a friend, don't get any thoughts you stupid girl. She chided mentally. Who could it be? She tried to think of any she-cats that had bothered the tom in the last few days, but none that she could remember seeing. She twitched some flakes off her ear, before touching her tail to the tom's flank to reassure him.
"It's okay." She gave a small smile to hopefully help comfort him some more. She worked her claws a little more, wondering if she had the right to question him a little about who.
"Who's bugging you?" She finally asked softly, taking a moment to look up from her paws. She realized the tom had moved closer, and that reassured her that he did still want to be friends, and the warmth the tom put off was appreciated in the cold morning as well. She felt comfortable and relaxed here with him.

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Edited on 11/12/18 @ 16:52:37 by Viper (#91328)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 16:51:13

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harepaw

Clearsong began to relax from Harepaw's warmth, taking in a deep, shaky breath, he turned to look at Harepaw. His heart skipped as he saw the concern in her eyes, "She's there. Always watching." Clearsong's voice shook as he spoke, it was hushed, in a hurry, he didn't want to know if Slateleaf was listening. "I don't know how she got there, or even why. She tells me she's there to protect me, that she'll keep me safe, but she haunts my dreams. She laughs and torments me and tells me its fine, I- I don't know how to escape her." Clearsong's heart raced from fear and adrenaline. He hadn't told anyone, and here he was spilling it all, it didn't even take much persuasion. "I know she's real! I wake up with the same wound reopened each night, and each night she tells me its all to be more like her. All to be more like Slateleaf!" His voice became shrill when he said her name, he could smell his fear scent in waves and he shivered, not just from the cold.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-12-11 17:04:21

Harepaw~13 Moons~Apprentice~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, *OPEN*

Harepaw could see how disturbed the tom had become with the question. She knew she shouldn't have asked. She laid her tail across the tom's back to calm him. Always watching? Slateleaf? There's no cat with that name. In his dreams? She was confused, but hid it to prevent the tom from becoming more disturbed over the conversation.
"Calm down, I-I didn't mean to upset you." She tried to soothe the calm, and realized she was treating him like a kit. "If it's something happening in your dreams, then maybe you should talk to Horsetail or Snowecho about it, and maybe they can help you." She said softly, moving closer to the tom to calm him more, hopefully. "I-I'll go with you if you want me to or need me too." She continued, she wiggled her toys a little, unsure if the tom wanted her help or not. "And I'll help you as much as I can." She added after a moment.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-11 19:11:29


Stripecloud|16 moons|30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw

Stripecloud was having a peaceful dream. That was until Rainpaw prodded him awake. He groaned letting out a yawn. "I'm up I'm up. There's gonna be a ceremony today?" He shivered, his short fur never provided much warmth. Stripecloud stood up letting out a small sneeze. "Your gonna become a warrior?" Stripecloud thought for a moment. He had been a warrior for almost three moons now. Boy how time flew. He walked out of the den. He froze when he saw the snow blanketing the ground. The tom stepped back into the den not wanting to touch it. He hated snow. A snowflake fell on his nose. 'Great, a warrior afraid of snow.' He thought his eyes focusing on the snowflake as it melted on his nose. He shook the water and walked out of the den. "It's cold!" He yelped.


Hawkpaw|14 Moons|Apprerentice|Camp|Mentions:

Hawkpaw had his tail wrapped around his nose. He opened his eyes and looked around. He shrugged yawning. At least he wasn't all alone in the den. He stood up and stretched out his paws. Hawkpaw walked out of the den. He saw snow on the ground. Hawkpaw licked his paw and let out a yawn. The tom blinked feeling the snowfall on his brown pelt.

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Edited on 11/12/18 @ 19:11:46 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-11 19:24:29


Snowecho | 28 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Mumblepaw, Hawkpaw, Open!

Snowstorm had settled just at the camp entrance and was grooming his fur. He almost blended in with the snow surrounding him. If only he had been a warrior, he would have been an excellent hunter in the snow. Well, he still remembered some of his training. He briefly amused himself with the thought of hunting, perhaps he could bring Softsong out along with Aldershade. Or maybe he should bring Mumblepaw, he had not talked to the young tom in what seemed like several moons. He noticed Sunstar and Willowstar leap onto the highrock. A meeting? He still struggled to remember their names and recognise them as his leaders, but as he had accepted Horsetail as medicine cat, he accepted them as his leaders. It seemed like they were chatting, so that gave him some time to get his plans for the actual day sorted.

The medicine cat quickly hurried to the apprentice den, almost barreling into Hawkpaw as he exited. "Oh, sorry." He meowed, feeling a little embarrassed. He then poked his head into the den. He had not seen Mumblepaw out and about yet, so assumed the apprentice was still in. "Hey, Mumblepaw!" He called, hoping to get the young tom's attention. "Come outside, I want to talk to you for a bit." He mewed, stepping back a little to give him some space to exit the apprentice den. He gave it another glance and decided quietly that they had too many full-grown cats residing there, so he hoped dearly that this meeting was to give some cats their warrior names. He glanced to the nursery and noticed Olivekit with two young calico kits. He saw how excited she seemed and smiled a little. He was almost painfully aware that she was to be an apprentice, and quietly hoped that Softsong would get his first apprentice. Of course other cat would be a fine mentor for her.

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Edited on 11/12/18 @ 19:25:23 by Balder(PUTP) (#117962)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-12-11 20:39:56


Mumblepaw | 14 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Snowecho

Mumblepaw's ear flicked, hearing a familiar voice calling him to come outside. "Snowecho...?" He meowed tiredly, lifting his head and turning it towards the entrance of the apprentice den. Mumblepaw could see the snow outside, he was barely able to make out Snowecho. The apprentice groaned, he didn't like leaf-bare. The weather was too cold for the tom's liking, his fur was made for the water, not for the snow. Snowecho's waiting for me though.. He reminded himself and forced himself to get out of his nest. Mumblepaw headed out of the apprentice den and looked at Snowecho. His body shivered from the cold. He felt terrible, he was sure he looked terrible too. His fur was ruffled, his neck was hunched due to a cramp, and he was still half-asleep. "What? What could possibly be so important? What in Starclan's name could you want from me Snowecho? Is it the herbs? I didn't take them so... mmm.." He mumbled tiredly, barely able to keep his eyes open. He was definitely more grouchier than usual.. but he did just wake up.

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