Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

sp00kypaw (#130539)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-12-12 08:52:47

Olivekit(paw) - Camp - Mentions: Maplekit, Lionkit

Olivekit picked up the mossball with her small jaw and giggled, "Im sixth moonths today!" She dropped it on the ground so she could speak, "I'm gonna be a real warrior too! I'm gonna be the best as well, because my momma said I'm the toughest of my litter!"

The older dark tortoiseshell stepped out of camp and stuck her mottled tongue at the two kits, "Come and catch me and try to tackle me if you dare!" She smirked.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-12 08:57:55

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkpaw, Clearsong (ID), Harepae (ID)
(Quiet’s later)
Pebblesplash stretched and padddd out from the warrior den. Her dreams had been turbulent, but that was okay. Somehow, she felt she deserved it. Pebblesplash had gone hunting with Hawkpaw, and it had been great. He was someone she could confide in. She casts sidelong glance at Clearsong and Harrpaw. She sighed, folding her tail over her paws and the base of the rock.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-12-12 10:25:42


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 5/5|Mentions Directly: Olivekit, Maplekit, OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Camp

The fluffy calico kit, looked over to Olivekit. So today was the day than, the kit thought. He was a bit jealous of the older she-kit, he wanted to be an apprentice too. A smile spread across Lionkit's face, as the tortoiseshell she-kit ran off. He'd definitely get her. Crouching a bit, the smaller kit bunched his muscles, this way he'd have better speed, when he ran. 'Wait, how did he know that?', this thought came to the kit at the worst time, he had started to push off and, distracted, Lionkit slipped on the snow and landed head first in the snow.
Spitting out snow, he growled. Sitting back, his blue eyes followed Olivekit. She was far ahead of him now, this was stupid. Grumbling, the calico tom kit brushed the snow off his nose. This white stuff was cold, it was sort of fun. Maybe they could play in it, Lionkit thought, as he stood up again. His blue eyes fell on a small mound of snow right next to the nursery, a grin spread across the young tom's face. "Maplekit, Olivekit look at this!", the young fluffy calico called behind him. With a laugh, Lionkit took a leap into the deep snow. The small kit completely sunk into the snow, not even his ear tips were sticking out.

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sp00kypaw (#130539)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-12-12 10:48:24

Olivekit(paw) - Camp - Mentions: Maplekit, Lionkit

The older she-cat snorted, her nose vibrating slightly as her snout scrunched up. "Oh, Lionkit! You're just one big goofball!" Her heart warmed up at the thought of being their age and playing like this with her denmates at the time.
"H-hey wait up!" Olivekit called, jumping into the cold white pile herself, poking her head up with snow on her nose. She sneezed, shaking it off. She giggled afterwards, seeming to degrade in age as she found herself kicking snow into the younger tom's face playfully.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-12 10:54:32


Maplekit/Starlingkit | 3 Moons | Kit | 5/5 | [Nursery] | Mentions: Lionkit, Olivekit, Anyone in the vacinity

Maplekit watched in horror from the entrance of the nursery, not sure what to do. What was Lionkit thinking!
She was at the pile in an instant, looking down and seeing Lionkit's ear right below the snow line. She turned back at Olivekit. "What do we do?!"
Get a grip, Maple. He's just in the snow. If you don't call a "grown up" to get him, he might freeze to death. Nothing to worry about.
Maplekit was worried for her brother, and didn't know what to do. She started digging the snow with her paws, right near Lionkit. "Olivekit, help me! We can get him!"
N-no.. I can do this on my own, without y-your help.
She dug away, as fast as her little legs would handle, but they only made a small dent in the snow, still unable to see Lionkit.
Would be a shame if you let our little brother die.
Maplekit stopped in her tracks, and turned around frantically. She called to anyone in the area. "Help! Someone, please help!"
She hissed when Olivekit jumped in the snow too.

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Edited on 12/12/18 @ 10:56:44 by Quakeflakes™ (#69866)

sp00kypaw (#130539)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-12-12 10:58:34

Olivekit(paw) - Camp - Mentions: Maplekit, Lionkit

The tortoiseshell opened her eyes to see she wasn't kicking snow at anything. Why is Maplekit panicking?, Her mind swirled in confusion. She then realized the situation was becoming dangerous as more time passed. "Lionkit? Lionkit?!" She asked, a hint of worry etched onto her voice. She shoved Maplekit out of the way and began digging. He couldn't have submerged himself that far, could he?...

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-12-12 11:23:59


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 5/5|Mentions Directly: Olivekit, Maplekit, OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Lioncloud|Location: Camp

Lionkit opened his eyes, it was a strange mix of white, but also black all around him. What? Where was he? He jumped into the snow pile, so why was it dark? He could hear his sisters voice from a distance a way, Olivekit's too. Why were they calling him? he was just having some fun. Lionkit kicked his legs, he should probably head back out of the pile again. He did not move, what? The fluffy kit kicked his legs again, it did nothing. Moving his body left and right, it also did not help. Slowly, but surely Lionkit was starting to panic. He needed to call help, opening his mouth only snow fell in. It was cold and froze his mouth.
Lionkit forced his eyes to close, was he going to die? No, he couldn't, he couldn't leave his sister. He was not going to be like his parents and just leave Maplekit behind on her own. Lionkit needed to get out, getting desperate, the calico kit started to flail his legs wildly.
"Stop struggling", a deep and kind voice said in the kits ear. It sounded like, like... 'Dad', Lionkit thought. No, he could not die, not like this. He needed to protect his sister and become a great warrior. "Stop struggling, Lionkit", the voice said again. "Calm down and push your head up", the voice instructed. Up? Lionkit stopped flailing his paws and calmed down a bit, his heart was still racing. "Who are you?", Lionkit thought, starting to push up a bit. "I'm Lioncloud", the kind voice said. The young kit could've sworn he could feel someone's pelt brush against him, but that could not be. "I'll always be here", Lioncloud said, a bit more distant now than before.
Lifting his head out further, Lionkit broke through the surface of the snow pile. Lionkit gasped for air, his bleary eyes focused on Maplekit and Olivekit above him. Even though his head and more importantly his nose was out, the rest of his body was still stuck in the now tightly compacted snow. "I.. need help, can't get out on my own", the young tom said, struggling around and a bit out of breath.

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sp00kypaw (#130539)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-12-12 11:28:52

Olivekit(paw) - Camp - Mentions: Maplekit, Lionkit

Olivekit breathed easily as she saw the small kit's nose peek out. She used all her muscles to keep going, reaching her paws around his face to try to ease up some room for the tom. "Maplekit, don't worry he's gonna be okay!" She called out, even though the other kit was just a fox-tail length away. Her heart still raced from the energy she used and an unusual feeling she never felt before...anxiety? The tortoiseshell managed to hook her teeth around the tom's scruff and pulled. Packed snow around his smaller body made it even more difficult.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-12 15:06:18


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 |Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud

Rainpaw watched as the gray and white warrior stood up, "Yep! And my name will be awesome, I just know it! Willowstar and Sunstar are great at picking names." Rainpaw nuzzled Stripecloud's shoulder before they turned to walk out of the den.

Rainpaw was following Stripecloud when he stopped just before the entrance of the den, causing Rainpaw to bump into him. "Move you loaf!" She teased, pushing her way around to see what had caused him to stop. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. She looked back to Stripecloud, following his line of sight to the snow-blanketed earth.

"Hey, what's wrong? Don't tell me a ferocious wild cat such as yourself would be afraid of a little snow?" Rainpaw purred in amusment, shuffling her paws as she bundled up snow.

Lowering her muzzle to the pile, she eyed the sparkling, white chunks, before feigning a gasp, "Oh no, I get it. It's truely terrifying." Rainpaw giggled before kicking the snow pile flat.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-12 16:05:56

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Camp| Mentions: Glade, ”, Clearsong, Pebblesplash (ID)
Quietshadow yawned and followed Glade out. Looking at the elder’s den, memories flooded her. The endless stories the elders had told her as an apprentice or kit. It was always relaxing, hearing the older cats recall moments from their life. Lioncloud should be here. She sighed, and shook it off. The tom had a full life. He was some place better now. Quietshadow greeted Clearsong with a tail wave. She didn’t spare half a glance at Pebblesplash. Glade didn’t trust her daughter, and Glade was reliable. That was that.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-12 22:32:54


Stripecloud|16 moons|30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw

Stripecloud shot a glare at Rainpaw then smiled. "I'm not afraid of it, I just don't like it. My pelt isn't meant for the cold. He murmured taking a step forward. He shuddered as the coldness spread up his leg. He looked back to Rainpaw pointing his nose to the sky. "See, I'm not afraid." He spoke in a melodramatic voice, his eyes shining with happiness.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 05:13:07

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harepaw

Clearsong slowed his lashing tail, realizing his panicking would make a scene. He sat down again, leaning into Harepaw's fur. "I... I don't know if he'll understand it... He'll think I'm crazy."

Clearsong sighed, his shivering slowing down as he sat beside Harepaw. Her scent was comforting and it eased his nerves. He took a breath and steadied his voice, "She's recurring. She's not a sign, she a being. She took over me when... when I attacked Willowstar..."

Clearsong felt his voice quiver again. He took a breath and closed his eyes, green eyes stared back at him. Quickly he opened his eyes, but he only saw Harepaw. When would this end?

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 10:11:51


Stormberry - 33 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Sunstar (ID), Willowstar (ID), Olivekit, Maplekit (ID), Lionkit, open!

Stormberry found himself waking up later than usual, the brightness streaming into the den where he was curled up in his nest helping to rouse him. He blinked open his gentle green eyes, and felt a shiver run down his spine. Leaf-bare made everything feel muted, dull. It was tempting to curl his tail back over his face and sleep some more, but it sounded like many cats were already awake. The large tom forced himself to his paws and pushed his way out of the den, and watched as the snowflakes drifted leisurely downwards, landing quietly on his pelt.

Sunstar and Willowstar looked ready to start a meeting; it was probably a good idea he had woken up when he did. He was about to join cats at the base of the Highrock, but the cries of some kits caught his attention. He could hear both Maplekit and Lionkit calling out for help, and he hurriedly trotted over to see what was going on. From the looks of things, Lionkit had jumped into the deep snow and got stuck. It was little problem for the deputy, however, as he used one of his large paws to move some of the snow out of the way, nudging Olivekit out of the way a bit so he could lower his head and pick the calico kit up by his scruff. Before he planned to take Lionkit to the medicine cat to get him checked over, he cast a glance to Olivekit and Maplekit.

"You need to be careful in deep snow, it can be dangerous! Try and stay in the nursery where it's safe and warm." He reminded them, his voice muffled by Lionkit's scruff. He was worried about them too, but his priority was to get Lionkit to the medicine cats first - then he would come back and check on them. With that, he padded to the medicine cat den, where he came across Horsetail right at the entrance. He dipped his head to the medicine cat, knowing Lionkit would be safe in his capable paws. "Lionkit got stuck in the deep snow, do you think you can check him over?" He mewed, gently putting Lionkit down and looking back at Maplekit and Olivekit. "I think Maplekit and Olivekit are okay, but they were in the snow too..."


Aldershade - 16 moons - Warrior - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Softsong, Glade (ID), open!

Aldershade had found himself shivering all through the night - leaf-bare was his least favourite season. However, there was one main difference between that night and the nights he had spent under Glade - he had the warm lump of Softsong right next to him. Knowing that the black and white warrior was back and, hopefully, here to stay, he had virtually pushed their nests to be side by side. He let out a soft grumble when the other tom nudged him awake, but as he stretched out his legs, he snuggled further into the long, soft fur.

A purr rumbled in the lanky warrior's throat, and he felt energised enough to get up and bump against Softsong, starting to groom his tangled fur. "You could do with fur as short as mine, much easier to manage." He mewed groggily, curling his long tail around Softsong's. If he remembered right, there were to be some new warriors and a new apprentice made today - it finally seemed like things were going back to normal - kind of.

As he poked his head out of the den, his stomach twisted a little as he saw Glade. The siamese tom frightened him, and he didn't understand why the high ranking cats hadn't sent him running for Twolegplace the second they woke up. The sight made his mood sour somewhat, and he only wished he had the courage and the strength to make Glade feel the same pain he had felt, right there in the middle of camp.

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sp00kypaw (#130539)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-12-13 10:54:18

Olivekit(paw) - Camp - Mentions: Maplekit, Lionkit, Stormberry

Olivekit grunted, "It was his idea! Also, it wasn't his fault! He's young and started goofing off before my ceremony today," she added. Her eyes begin to light up once again, "Oh, I need to get ready for my ceremony! My momma, Voletail, said it's the most important ceremony besides the ceremony after some cat dies and the warrior's ceremony.

The tortoiseshell twisted her body and began grooming herself.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 11:35:45


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 5/5|Mentions Directly: Stormberry, Horsetail|Mentions Indirectly: Maplekit, Olivekit|Location: Camp

Lionkit was glad, when he felt someone, very big, pull on his scuff. It was not even funny, how easely Stormberry was able to lift Lionkit out of his predicament, when the kit had been struggling so unsuccessful before. Hanging there, in the large deputy's mouth, Lionkit started to shiver. His thick pelt had protected him from the worst, but his titten fluff was not dense enough to not get wet. Hanging there, the kit culled up a bit, trying to stay warm. He felt helpless and like a compleat mouse-brain, what had he been thinking? Snowball would've told them not to play in the deep snow and their dad... Hollowfall would've been the one to save Lionkit, where were they?
Feeling himself sway to the side, as Stormberry carried him towards the medicine cat den, the calico kit looked up. Stormberry was big, strong, and brave, just like his dad. He wanted to be just like them, when he grew up. Looking over, he spotted Horsetail. Why the medicine cat den? Did he get injured? Lionkit looked himself up and down, no nothing, then why had Stormberry brought him over here? A bit confused, the young calico settled on his paws, as the deputy placed him down.
"I don't need any checking, I'm fine", Lionkit said, trying to sound and look convincing, the young tom puffed out his chest. It probably did not work, his normally fluffy fur was wet and muddled, making him look more like something a crow had not even wanted to eat. His blue eyes looked from the medicine cat to the deputy and, not able to suppress it, let out a sneeze. "Well... maybe I'm just a bit cold", he added, rubbing his nose a bit sheepishly.


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 30/30|Mentions Directly: Stormberry, Lionkit|Mentions Indirectly: Maplekit, Olivekit|Location: Camp

The golden eyed tom sat at the entrance to the medicine cat den, his mind wandering, trying to figure out which herbs they could probably still collect even in this weather. When a large shape, to his right, suddenly appeared in his field of vision. Looking over, he gave Stormberry a quizzical look. Why was he carrying Lionkit? and why did the kit look so.. so damp? Getting to his paws, the toms ear twitched, as the deputy told him what had happened. The kit fell into deep snow? Looking passed the deputy, as he set the kit down, Horsetail spotted the pile of snow bunched up next to the nursery. "I see", the medicine cat said, nodding his head.
Leaning over the was about to check Lionkit over when the kit started to speak, Horsetail gave the young calico a quizzical look and lifted his head up to look at Stormberry again. "Alright, thank you for bringing him over", Horsetail said. Nodding to the pile of snow, he added, "Make sure Maplekit and Olivekit are alright too and that they know not to play in the deep snow, without another cat watching." The dark sand colored tom gave a sigh, "And here it is only the start of snow fall." The medicine cat jumped a bit, as Lionkit sneezed. Prodding him with his paw into the den, Horsetail scouled. "Get into one of the nest, quick now", Horsetail said. Standing and making to walk after the kit, the medicine cat paused for a moment and looked back at Stormberry. "Maybe, after the meeting... could we talk? There're some things I'd like to confirm with you", Horsetail asked. Giving the deputy a nod, the golden eyed tom followed Lionkit.

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