Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 16:21:34


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|27 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Ivypaw, Mumblepaw, Sunstar|Location: Snowy Clearing

The golden tabby tom nodded his head, at Snowecho. Before he turned to follow after the white tom though, he glanced over to Mumblepaw and Ivypaw, just to make sure they really where fine. Well, it did seem that everyone's injuries had been healed, so it'd be fine. Horsetail looked after Snowecho, as the other medecine cat lead the way off to a secluded spot. Following shortly after the fluffy white tom, Horsetail cleared a spot with his tail, before sitting down and looking at Snowecho.
Horsetail let out a sigh, how long had it been since they've been able to be alone like this. Before he could say any witty remarks along those lines though, the sudden voice of Sunstar broke through the cold air. As his fellow medicine cat addressed it, Horsetail looked over to the leader. He looked off, something was wrong. Horsetail was pulled between going over and looking over the leader, and staying with Snowecho. The golden tabby tom's ear twitched, as he saw Ivypaw head over and look over the leader. He hoped Mumblepaw would go over as well and help the young apprentice, before she did anything.
Drawing his long tail around his paws, Horsetail let out a sigh, "We should probably head over and see what the matter is", Horsetail said, not very enthusiastically though. He wanted to stay here, with Snowecho and.... and just talk. "Are.... Did your lost memories return?", Horsetail asked, not making a move towards the leader. He looked at the white tom next to him out of the corner of his eyes, Horsetail's golden eyes searched for Snowecho's answer on his face. He hoped that, with this strange event of them suddenly being transported, it might have jarred Snowecho's memory. Though he did not have much hope for it.
"I miss you", Horsetail quietly said. Releasing that he'd actually said these words out loud, the golden tabby tom fidgeted. "Well... em... I mean..... that you don't really remember me... and all", Horsetail stuttered. Not wanting to meet Snowecho's eyes, he focused on drawing his claws through his tail, to get any tangles out. Why did he have to be so awkward? Horsetail wondered, embarrassed.


Lionkit|Kit|5 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Mosspaw, Whorlpaw, Sunstar, Earthquake, Maplekit|Location: Snowy Clearing

Lionkit let out a uff, as Earthquake suddenly placed him on the ground, as Sunstar's call was heard. What was going on? The kit wondered, looking around. Still, at least he'd not been put back in deep snow. He really needed to find Maplekit, he was getting worried about his sister, where was she? "Maplekit!", the young tom called again, looking around for his sister. Still, he could not see his littermate. Had she wandered off?
Spotting a grey and a dark grey pelt standing together, Lionkit realized that is was Whorlpaw and Mosspaw. Maybe they could help? Starting to walk towards them. Lionkit did not get very far though, because he fell into a small ditch. It was just deep enough for him, to sink into the snow up to his belly. The young calico kit grumbled and took the chance to curse under his breath, he did not struggle though. Letting out a sigh, Lionkit placed his head on the cold white. What was going on? Where were they? Where had Lioncloud gone? Where was his sister? and Sunstar? Lionkit looked up, at the leader, with concern in his eyes. His uncle, what was wrong with him?
As a chill started to spread up his legs, Lionkit began to shake a bit. Moving his legs slowly, Lionkit started to climb out of the snowy ditch. Since he moved slowly, it worked very well and within a few heartbeats the young calico tom was out and shaking off the snow. Where should he go now? Lionkit sat down and let out a sigh.

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Edited on 02/03/19 @ 16:24:18 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

Ame (#170051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-02 21:20:24

Twistedpaw | 8 Moons | Apprentice
Decently Healthy - Paw acting up
Snowy Clearing
Mentions - None | Indirect Mentions - Nearly Everyone


In the comfort of what had been the apprentice den, a nightmare had ensnared a gentle soul. It filled his dreams of overcoming his disability and becoming a great warrior with sounds of horrid yowling. His sight was littered with dead cats as far as he could see. The copper scent filled his nose, one that was burned into his memory. That howling sound became louder each heartbeat. Each pounding second a field of white shattered his vision slowly. It would have been purifying if it didn't have a feeling of bitter cold. He would have turned to run, if he wasn't frozen in place. A hoarse, croaking cry ripped from his throat as he wrenched himself awake. Another followed as his vision was of that stark white. His fragile heart pounded as he was sure his dream had become reality. One second and then two. This was not his nest. This was not his camp. The mottled charcoal-and-white tom shot up and frantically took his surroundings. He frantically searched for his clan, ignoring the pain that echoed from his namesake. Blue and orange locked into shapes of cats several fox-lengths away. Three seconds; four. Familiar markings, and that of an exceptionally small cat. It had to be.

The anxious apprentice wanted nothing more to run to them. To be at their side once again. However, his only dark paw reminded him. Fragmented joints and frayed nerves did not hold against the cold like his winter coat. Pain pulsed continuously up his leg, giving it that dead-asleep feeling. Orange-and-blue switched between the twisted paw and that of his family, weighing options carefully. Five seconds; six. He voted to hobble over as quickly as he could, raising his paw as best as he could over the biting snow. Desperation to reach what family he had left outweighed worries. The sounds of his leader yelling caught his tufted ears, it made him pick up his pace to reach the others.

”Hey!” His voice cracked as he yelled out to those he could see, showing himself as Twistedpaw. Not a random cat stumbling upon a group that was most likely cold and confused. Seven seconds; eight. Something was wrong, very wrong as he got closer. He counted what faces he could. Cats were missing, this was not everyone. This could not be what was left. The decently tall apprentice would not believe that his family had shrunk even more. The tuxedo limped faster with even more desperation. He had to figure out what was going on.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 14:54:48


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Healthy, but cold|Mentions Directly: Twistedpaw|Mentions Indirectly: Maplekit|Location: Snowy Clearing

Lionkit was standing awkwardly on his legs, as the kit was shaking them out. Do to his thick fur, the kit's legs was now covered in small snowy balls. Contouring himself, Lionkit tried to bite at the balls of snow and tear them off. As such, he was in a very strange sitting position, when he heard someone call out. Looking up, holding one of the small balls of snow in his mouth, he searched for the cat who had called out. Searching around, Lionkit perked up, as he spotted a black and white apprentice at the edge of the clearing.
"Twistedpaw!", Lionkit called out to the apprentice, getting to his paws. The balls of snow still attached to his legs and one also attached to his belly completely forgotten, the young calico tom headed over to the apprentice. Reaching the apprentice, he looked to him and gave Twistedpaw a smile. "You alright?", Lionkit asked, looking the apprentice over for any injuries and then landing on his black paw. Twitedpaw was holding it at a strange angle, 'it must be hurting him', Lionkit guessed. Not really knowing which eye to focus on, the orange or blue one, Lionkit looked down and kicked some snow up with his paw. "This place is pretty weird, right?", he asked Twistedpaw, not yet looking up. "Wonder how we got here?", Lionkit asked again, this time he reached around and pulled the small ball of snow off his belly. Successfully getting it off, he dropped it on the ground. "I'm cold", Lionkit said, more to himself than the apprentice. "Wonder is Maplekit's cold too?", the young tom asked, again more to himself than Twistedpaw. It still bothered him, that he'd not been able to find his sister.

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 14:56:22 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-03 18:55:09


Stripecloud|17 moons|Healthy|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop

Stripecloud felt his body stiffen slightly when Raindrop pressed against him. But he let himself relax knowing it was just Raindrop. Stripecloud just felt lost. Everything seemed to have happened at once. He started to think. He just thought about how much he had lost everyone. His father had just up and left. His brother died, twice. And his mother, well his mother was just a terrible cat. But he had let all these cats close to him. And they all ended up leaving him, or pushing him away. This led to some deeper thought. Was Raindrop going to leave him too? Was she going to be like everyone else in his life? He didn't know if he heart could take any more of that. He let out another frost breath his limps still shaking from the cold. He would have to think about all that later.

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A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 21:10:04

Mosspaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | Healthy | Mysterious Clearing | Mentions: Whorlpaw, Pebblesplash (D), Hawkstrike, Sunstar (ID), Softsong, Clearsong

A wan smile swept across Mosspaw's features. "I... I'm okay. My injuries, they just disappeared. It was as if they had never happened." He mewed, eyes glittering with uncertainty. He followed Whorlpaw's gaze over to where Hawkstrike was dashing in circles, yowling that they were all dead.

If we are all dead, then we must have been pretty terrible in life because this sure isn't Starclan. He thought dully, glancing around the strange, snow-filled clearing. He could also hear Sunstar, he realized. The leader's voice sounded distressed, in a way that made the hair on his spine prickle. He sat up, gaze sweeping the area in search of the ginger tom. Whorlpaw's voice pulled his attention away, however.

He froze when the other apprentice planted a paw on either side of his face, right over his ears. "Um... yes?" He managed in response to her question, as she turned his head first one way, then the other. When she finally let go, he gave his ears a flick just to make sure they still worked properly, and gave the other apprentice a small grin.

"Its okay. I want answers too. This is all so... strange." He trailed off, lifting his formerly injured, still-bloodstained foreleg for emphasis. "Injuries don't just instantly heal, and entire camps don't mysteriously vanish into thin air."

He turned his head as Pebblesplash approached them. The saddened expression on her face made him frown slightly, heart sinking.

"Are you..." He started, then cut himself off as she spoke. He flattened his ears at her words, a fresh fist of grief tightening in his chest at the reminder of the death of his mentor. He drew a sharp breath, and glanced at Whorlpaw, green-gold eyes shadowed with sadness. Did you know about Clearsong? He wondered, studying her expression. Pebblesplash's sudden, keening wail made him flinch.

"Pebblesplash-" He exclaimed, scrambling to her side in alarm as the she-cat slumped down in the snow. He nudged the warrior's cheek with his nose, unsure of what to do to console her. The young tom made a distressed noise at the back of his throat and glanced back up at Whorlpaw, expression full of grief and uncertainty.

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 21:14:26 by Khajiit Has Wares (#113302)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-04 06:15:30


Snowecho | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Horsetail (D), Open!

Snowecho turned his attention back to Horsetail as he spoke up, first shaking his head to his first prompt. "Ivypaw and Mumblepaw have got this. They can come to us if they can't do anything." He insisted. His ears flattened as his lost memories were brought up. He shook his head again. "No... I don't remember you or Sunstar, Willowstar and Storm... was it bush?" His reply ended as a question. For some reason, the large tom's name evaded him. It had been like this ever since he woke up that one day, or so he was told.

His ears perked a little when he heard the quiet words spoken. Exactly how close had he been with Horsetail? Guilt clawed at his heart as he thought of how much he could be hurting the other tom without even knowing it. "Well, let's try to be positive about this." He mewed, giving his fellow medicine cat a small smile. "I don't remember anything, but I get to get to know you all over again. Whatever was between us, it can bloom anew." He went on. He might be embarrassing himself, or be wrong, but he just had a feeling that he was on the right track. "For like a herb during leaf-bare, it always comes back during newleaf. He added. "We can keep trying to make me remember, but if we don't, it's not the end of all life." He reassured, leaning over to Horsetail and bumping his head affectionately against his. He tended to be physical in his affection, and he hoped that the other tom would accept that.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-03-04 09:31:16


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Mumblepaw, Ivypaw, Stormberry|Location: Snowy Clearing

Horsetail looked over at the white tom next to him, as he started to speak. "You're right", Horsetail said, nodding his head and looking back at his apprentice. As Snowecho continued, his golden eyes looked out of the corner of his eyes to the white tom. Horsetail lowered his head a bit, "I see", Horsetail mumbled. Though this changed, once the name Strombush sank in. Horsetail raised his head and looked into Snowecho's face, searching for an indication that he'd been joking. When he could not see anything of the kind, Horsetail could not hold it. He'd been completely surprised by this. Horsetail started to laugh under his breath, trying to hide it, but definitely not succeeding.
Seeing the sudden guilt in Snowecho's eyes, made the golden tabby tom slow his laughter. "You're right", Horsetail said, a kind smile on his face. For a moment, Horsetail had a selfish thought, 'If Snowecho did not remember Stormberry then, just maybe, I have a chance', this thought was quickly pressed down though by guilt. As long as Snowecho was happy..... Horsetail could not finish his thought though, as he suddenly felt a head lightly bump against his. His golden eyes widened, this was nice, very nice. Horsetail suppressed a purr, as he leaned into Snowecho. Flattening his ears to the side of his head, Horsetail leaned his head down and, with his muzzle under Snowecho's muzzle, lifted it up again. "You're right and there's no need to force yourself, we can just make new memories too", here he leaned back and gave Snowecho a confident smile.
"I'll always be here, at your side", Horsetail said. Suddenly realising what he'd said, the tom started to back track, "Well I mean we're both medecine cats and... and the clan's also there for you....", Horsetail trailed off, feeling stupid. Just at that moment, there was a small crash above them in the trees. Looking up, Horsetail was just in time, to see a mass of snow coming towards him. The medicine cat let out a small yelp, which was cut off when the pile of snow hit him. It was just some loose snow so there was no damage done, unless you don't count the dent in Horsetail's ego. His ear where flattened by a small pile of snow on his head, there was also a small pile between his shoulder blades, and most of his body was now coated in the white dust. His paws and tail where completely hidden under the pile of snow, surrounding him now. Not moving at all, Horsetail grumbled something about hating Staclan.

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Edited on 04/03/19 @ 09:34:44 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

Ame (#170051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-04 14:04:06

Twistedpaw | 8 Moons | Apprentice
Decently Healthy - Paw acting up
Snowy Clearing
Mentions - Lionkit | Indirect Mentions - Blossomheart and Maplekit


A white-tufted ear swiveled towards the sound of his name being called, shifting his vision in that direction to see who it was. He then noted the tricolored ball of fluff that was Lionkit bounding in his direction. It was hard not to laugh at the snow clinging to the younger tom, and his eyes glimmered in amusement. Twistedpaw lowered himself to sit as the sun-dappled kit eventually reached him. At the mention of his namesake, he looked down at the dark paw. It still throbbed with pain, but not as much as before. Braving what would come, the monochrome cat set the unmarked paw down. Never would his paw lay flat, instead it settled most of the weight in his outer toe while the inner toe never touched the ground. Once the wretched foot touched the ground, a jolt of pain shot up his leg. It made his back and white tail fluff up, but he kept a decently straight face.

“It is acting up, but I am used to it.” His voice cracked at a few words, and rumbled out the rest of the white lie. How he silently wished that his body would be normal for once. At the mention of where they were, Twistedpaw finally took a good look at where they were. He recognized none of it. “Maybe the older cats know, we have to trust them in finding things out. We just have to be brave, and stick together. We should get to the others, and warm up. I would hate for the elder stories of cat-eating monsters to be real, and find us standing here as if we were deaf mice. Or for Maplekit to take off my ears, because I let you freeze to death. We will find her, promise.”

A grin spread over the tuxedo's bicolored face, gently moving to push the brighter cat with his dark paw. He then bounded over the kit, running as best as he could towards where the rest of clan were at. He trusted that his leaders, the deputies and the experienced warriors could get the group out of this mess. He would help as best as much as he could, including keeping Lionkit warm and keeping everyone together as best as the young apprentice could.

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Edited on 04/03/19 @ 14:08:25 by Ame (#170051)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-03-05 08:58:33

Harefeather~15 Moons~Warrior~Healthy/Expecting~Snowy Clearing~Mentions:*OPEN*

The weird feeling slowly consumed her, before she was in the grips of the cold snow. Her last moments with her passed mate, ripped from her. He never got buried! Her chest and stomach tightened at the thought, as she slowly sat up. She stared at her outline in the snow, knowing he should be next to her. She wanted to cry out again, but nothing escaped her dried and hoarse throat. The clan bustled around her, confusion was emitting off everyone in large gusts, almost enough to knock any cat off their feet. She stayed where she had...shown up, numb, and not even sure where or if she could help. A strange, feline, smell was heavy in the air as well, but she didn't know where or what the scent came from. She caught bits and pieces of conversations between her waves of numbness. A rock? Leaf prints? Purple twine? Nothing seemed to be helping her make sense of it. Shivers rippled her body, and after suffering a few moments in them, she forced herself to seek shelter under a near by tree, where she would still be able to hear the clan conversations, but would still have the added protection of the tree.

Blossomheart~24 moons~Warrior~Healthy~Snowy Clearing~Mentions: *OPEN*

She sat up with a gasp as the cold sting of the snow seeped through her pelt and stung her skin. The wounds that burned her skin last she was awake, were no more. The pungent reek of iron no longer choked her nose. Her usual vision was back, and she undoubtedly could see that everyone else is just as shocked and confused as her. She pushed herself to her paws, and gave a good shake, flinging snow from her pelt. What in the name of Starclan is going on?

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 22:17:46
Earthquake|40 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Cold Clearing|Mentions: [D] Lionkit, Twistedpaw, Blossomheart
Earthquake jumped a little as Lionkit disappeared in a snow drift, although he got out before he could come and help.
The kit groups up with Twistedpaw, and Earthquake saw Blossomheart nearby, she looked disoriented as he approached her "Are you okay?" he stood back as she shook, sending snow nearly everywhere. "I'm just as confused as you are." he huffed frustrated.
He notices the others, the entire clan was here in this Starclan forsaken clearing, but with the wind howling in his ears, he couldn't tell what they were conversing over. Though it would be ideal to regroup, they'd feel less lost in each other's company, and Sunstar was over there as well, he'd hate to miss anything important.
He turned to Blossomheart once again "We need to regroup." he repeats his thoughts.
"Lionkit! Twistedpaw!" he called out to them, sitting in what looked like very deep snow. "Sunstar'll have my hide as his bedding if I let you kits get a cough." he grumbles mirthfully, licking the top of Lionkit's head, much to the kits protest, he was just being protective.
"Hate to be a worrywart but I'd rather you get someplace warm quick. Can you walk Twistedpaw?" he asks considerably.
He'd carry both Lionkit and Twistedpaw if he had to, but they needed to get with the clan. "We'll find your siblings, Lionkit. I promise."

the image i was using for earthquake was causing problems on my screen so i'll just have to make a new one

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Edited on 05/03/19 @ 22:19:14 by MellowMarshmallow™[WCU] (#79034)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-03-06 08:34:25


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Healthy| Warrior|Clearing| Mentions: Whorlpaw, Mosspaw, Hawkstrike (D)
**if someone could do the @‘s for me that’d be great- sorry discord is complicated right now~**
Pebblesplash felt Mosspaw gently nose her cheek, giving her comfort. I need to get up. Now is not the time to grieve. I’ll find Harefeather, Hawkstrike and Earthquake. Yes, that’s what I’ll do.

Pushing herself up, she gave the two apprentices a sad smile, grateful for the support, but of course, upset over everything that had happened.

“I hope you never have to go through the pain of watching two of the most important cats to you die at the same time right in front of you… and I hope you always cherish the bonds you have and never, not for anything, break them. That was a mistake I made. I can’t get back the three moons I ignored my mother and brother, but I hope you never do that. No cat should ever go through not only grief, but regret as well. Remember that day,and remember the mistakes that some of us made, and be better than us,” she said finally, her voice wavering. Taking a breath to steady herself, she added, ”Stick together. I’m not your mentor, but I can say using the buddy system works.” Pebblesplash was reminded of the time when she and Earthquake had been attacked by dogs. If they hadn’t been together… she didn’t want to think about it. And in a new territory, the risks were even greater.

Hawkstrike quickly caught her attention, his yowling about how they were dead making her sigh.
”Sorry, it appears that some of us aren’t very aware of the situation...” the she-cat dipped her head as she muttered, putting a poker face back on. She picked her way over to him.

”Hawkstrike! Calm. Down. We aren’t dead,” If we were dead Clearsong, Softsong, and Quietshadow would be here… not to mention every other dead cat, Pebblesplash thought ruefully, Oh StarClan. They didn’t get buried either. This keeps getting “better and better.”

”You’re not dying either. Which is awesome. And uh, we should probably talk about what happened…”

Great job. Let’s take attention away from the fact that we are now StarClan knows where and sort out our love life.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2019-03-06 21:23:35
Cricketpaw|9 Moons|Healthy|Apprentice|Cold Clearing|Mentions:[OPEN]
Before Cricketpaw could even blink she was head first in knee deep snow. She immediately shook the snow which had collected on her head and ears. "Where are we?" she squeaked, looking around frantically. She shrunk, both from the cold and the unfamiliarity.
Luckily, it seemed the whole clan had 'traveled' alongside her so she didn't feel totally alone. Her observations we're interrupted by a gust of bone-chilling wind "Great Starclan would I give to get someplace warm!"

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-03-06 22:37:28


Whorlpaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | Healthy | Clearing | Mentions: Mosspaw, Pebblesplash

Whorlpaw listened as Mosspaw began to speak, nodding along in agreement. 'With the whole clan here I'm sure we'll find answers soon.' She thought to herself. She would turn her attention over to Pebblesplash as the warrior came up to them. She looked so upset and hesitant to speak, the apprentice couldn't help but wonder why. It was when Pebblesplash had finally said the words that made her realize. Clearsong, Quietshadow, and even Softsong were dead. It took her a minute to process the information she had just received, and when Pebblesplash let out a yowl and got to the ground she didn't even move. Mosspaw was able to do what she currently couldn't, comforting the grieving she-cat. Pebblesplash stood a bit afterwards and spoke to Mosspaw and her a little more before leaving. She took a small glance at him. 'Stick together.' She would repeat the words quietly to herself.

As Whorlpaw watched the gray warrior walk away she could assume that Pebblesplash felt a bit better, but still very hurt. She gave a small sad smile, but it soon turned into a frown. Her mentor was dead. Whorlpaw had so many questions, but felt as if none of them could be answered. Her ears flattened, her fluffy body trembled in sadness and rage. She wanted to hide and weep yet at the same time destroy anything she could. It was confusing and she was hating every second of it. She took a glance towards Mosspaw, only to quickly avoid the gaze of her fellow apprentice. With Softsong dead it meant that Mosspaw had lost his mentor too, but she had the weird feeling that he knew more than her. The apprentice started to wonder. She finally looked over to Mosspaw, her green gaze meeting his with a sad expression, a look quite unlike her usual self. "...Did you already know? About Softsong and Quietshadow? And... Clearsong?" Whorlpaw asked him.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-07 00:21:06


Hawkstrike|16 Moons|Healthy|Warrior|I Don't Even Know|Mentions: Pebblesplash

Hawkstrike heard Pebblesplash's voice. See, Pebblesplash agrees with me. We aren't dead. Now pull yourself together. Let's go talk to Pebblesplash. You two said the L word while you were literally dying. "Yeah, we probably should. But let's do it away from the Clan. I don't want an audience." Hawkstrike led Pebblesplash to a different location. It was close enough to still see the Clan, but far enough away so no one could hear them. It was private. Hawkstike sat down and curled his bushy tail over his paws. "I meant what I said Pebblesplash. I do like you. Love you even." He looked to his paws. "A lot comes out when you're dying." He murmured softly. "What about you?"

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Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2019-03-07 08:00:50

Honeyfrost|40 moons|Healthy|Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Open

Honeyfrost let out a short yelp as she felt the cold snow start to sink into her pelt, surprising her out of her light slumber. She looked around, fur puffing up as she realized this was not a place she was familiar with. Nor was it a place any one else was familiar with, she realized as she looked around to her clanmates, seeing that they were all just as confused as she was.

She sat down on her haunches and wrapped her tail around her paws, glad that her fur was as thick as it was and began to think. She noticed that the clan was starting to huddle together to keep warm. Her whiskers twitched in amusement as Cricketpaw shouted out, cursing the cold. "It's not so bad, Cricketpaw, you really must quit being so dramatic!" she said playfully. Her smile faded after a small chuckle.

That scent...

She parted her jaws to taste the air, jumping to her paws. She didn't recognize that scent. She scanned the area around her, flicking her tail. No one would rip her clan apart again. Not if she had anything to say about it.

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