Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-03-07 13:46:31


Sunstar | 32 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | [Snowy Clearing] | Mentions: Ivypaw (D), Swallowfall (D), Stormberry (ID), Willowstar (ID), Pebblesplash, Blossomheart, Earthquake, and Whorlpaw

The co-leader tried to crane his neck where the sound was coming from. He recognized the voice, realizing that Ivypaw had come up near him.
"Ivypaw.. I can't see you. Can you.. touch me so I know you're really there? I feel like I'm in some sick dream.."
He whimpered, wanting to know where his mate was. "I need Stormberry.. please, I need to know if he's alive. And Willowstar too.."
To him, he didn't even know all the cats that died, after the battle he only say Softsong and Clearsong that had perished. What if more were lost?
Not sure what to make of everything, Sunstar sat down on the ground. He wanted to call a meeting, but he wouldn't do it without Willowstar.
"Swallowfall! Where are you, I need you!"
He heard a movement of paws, and assumed it was her. Whoever it was, they'd be fit for the job. "We need a patrol in place. Find out where we are and what's going on. Starclan decided to play games on us, but we won't play along any longer." He considered who to bring..
"Take Pebblesplash, Clear- I mean.. Blossomheart, Earthquake, and Whorlpaw. Report to me what you find."

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Edited on 07/03/19 @ 13:49:34 by Quake™ .Hiatus. (#69866)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-03-07 13:55:51


Maplekit/Starlingkit | 6 Moons | Kit | Healthy | [Snowy Clearing] | Mentions: Lionkit (D)

Maplekit woke up in a bundle in the snow, as if she was laid softly in it like a crib. Her paws were frozen, but she felt great. In a rush, she jumped to her paws, realizing that the scenery in front of her was foreign. W-where are we?
She walked around, seeing no cats in sight. Is this a dream?
But something even more odd shocked her.. she didn't hear a response from Starlingkit.
Starlingkit! Can you hear me?
Silence. She shivered, suddenly aware of how cold it was. She mewed into the quiet arrangement of trees, "Lionkit?"
A few voices in the near distance made her heart leap, and she headed toward them. Little did she know, there was a set of eyes trained on her back, unmoving behind a canopy of rocks. Maplekit felt off, being in this place and not knowing what was going on, but soon she would be back with her clan and everything will be alright.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-03-07 16:15:10


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Healthy| Warrior|Clearing| Mentions: Hawkstrike (D)
**if someone could do the @‘s for me that’d be great- sorry discord is complicated right now~**
Pebblesplash followed Hawkstrike slightly away from the Clan, still shaking snow off her grey pelt. Her mind tried to cleanse itself from the grief that haunted her with little success. The thyme that Snowecho had given her was still in effect, keeping her out of shock.

”I meant what I said, Pebblesplash. I like you a lot. Love you even…. What about you?” Time froze briefly as her mind picked apart what Hawkstrike just said.
Yesyesyes. I do love him.
But what if I loose him too?
Then make the most out of it.

”Hawkstrike, I meant everything I said too. I love you. I couldn’t—can’t bear the thought of you dying, especially when you were injured so severely. And thank you for coming to sit with me while… after… nevermind. But I know I want to spend the rest of my moons with you. I’m sure of it,”
Pebblesplash said, her eyes shining as the she-cat made her choice. She noticed a little snow clinging to her tail and she rapidly shook it off. Heat rose in her pelt. This was the worst and best time to do this. And was Sunstar calling? She couldn’t tell. All that was there was the snow and Hawkstrike.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-03-07 16:27:35


Lionkit|Kit|5 Moons Old|Healthy, but cold|Mentions Directly: Twistedpaw, Earthquake, Blossomfall, Maplekit|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Snowy Clearing

Lionkit looked back at Twistedpaw, as the black and white tom placed his black paw on the ground. The young tom, definitely noticed the apprentices look of discomfort at this action. "It's not always good to act tough", Lionkit said, out of the corner of his mouth. As soon as the words came out, he wondered where they'd come from. The calcio kit twitched his ear at Twistedpaw's comment and he let out a chuckle. "You're not afraid of monsters are you?", the kit teased. Getting to his paws, he added, "And don't worry about me, I might be cold, but I have thick fur; as does Maplekit", the young calico tom said, with a confident smile to Twistedpaw.
Lionkit's eyes grew wide, as Twistedpaw bounded over and gave him a gentle shove. Dramatically the calico kit rolled over and into a snowbank, giggling. Looking passed the snow, he saw that Twistedpaw ran past him and to the rest of the clan. Getting up, he started to run after black and white apprentice. It was pretty hard for the kit to run after Twistedpaw, since he was smaller, so it took him a good bit to reach the older cats side.
The kit looked past the black and white apprentice, to see Earthquake and Blossomfall. Both warriors seemed worried, they also seemed to be confused of their situation. 'Lioncloud.... Lioncloud!!', the young tom called in his head. Nothing, there was no response. Strange. Lionkit was pulled out of his wondering though, when he heard his name being said. Looking over, his blue eyes turned to Earthquake. Lionkit only grumbled, when the large brown and white warrior spoke. "I'm not a little kit anymore", he mumbled under his breath. He was almost old enough to be an apprentice.
Lionkit gave the large warrior a questioning look, at his last words. "Siblings?", Lionkit asked, raising his eyebrows. "There's only Maplekit", the young calico said, still a bit confused. 'Oh, right', Lionkit thought remembering, he'd called out both Maplekit's and Starlingkit' name. His fluffy tail lashed a bit, scolding himself for his carelessness. "Only Maplekit", the young tom said again, looking to his snow covered paws. 'Where was she?', he thought again, looking around the clearing.
His suddenly perked, as he heard a small faint voice. "That's.....", Lionkit said, trailing off as he looked around. His blue eyes desperately scanned the snowy clearing for a small calico pelt, she needed to be around. His eyes finally landed on her, she was way off in the distance though. "Maplekit!!", the young tom called, growing bigger so he could see his littermate better. "Blossomfall, Earthquake, look Maplekit's over there", the young calico said, pointing with his nose towards his sister. Lionkit wanted nothing else than to run over and hug his sister, but figured that the warriors would probably hold him back.

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Edited on 07/03/19 @ 16:28:02 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2019-03-07 20:55:30


Swallowfall | 19 Moons | Co-Deputy | Healthy | Snowy Clearing | Mentions: Maplekit, Sunstar, Pebblesplash, Blossomheart, Earthquake, and Whorlpaw

Swallowfall was startled by Maplekit's request but turned to the tiny cat and nodded. "Of course dear, I will always be here for you." She purred gently. As soon as she uttered the words, the world spun and snapped and in a bright flash of light she found herself in a clearing full of snow. "Great Starclan!" Swallowfall's thick pelt stood on end as she took in the scenery. Everything familiar was gone and she did not like it. She gasped when she realized that Maplekit had disappeared but she also heard Sunstar's voice calling for her. She caught sight of Lionkit and some other warriors calling for Maplekit and decided that she needed to go to Sunstar. Swallowfall bounded through the snow towards her leader. "Sunstar! I'm here!" She meowed. She arrived by his side in time to catch him asking for a patrol. Swallowfall nodded before calling "Pebblesplash, Blossomheart, Earthquake, and Whorlpaw! Please meet me at the edge of the clearing for a patrol." She knew she should have gone to find them herself but she was concerned about Sunstar. "Are you okay?" She asked the tomcat.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2019-03-07 23:50:37
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Wolffang | 16 Moons | Warrior | Healthy | Forest | Mentions: Willowstar, Mumblepaw

Before the fluffy tom could speak, the familiar sight around him changed and no longer was he standing in the medicine cat den, but now in some unfamiliar place with scents that he didnt know. The sudden change in scenery had his head spinning and he was confused as to what was going on, looking around him and trying to place where he was. It took a moment before he remembered that he wasnt alone before in the den and his fur pricked when he couldnt find his sister at first glance. As he frantically looked around, he started to slowly notice some of his clanmates looking as equally confused and chatting amongst themselves. Wolffang was confused as to what had happened with the battle and why cat who he had seen in fights now looked fine. Not too far from where everyone else way, a familiar fluffy tail caught his attention and he darted over and found the calico leader laying there in a daze. He looked her over to see if she was okay and like the others, her wounds were gone. Her eyes met his and a look of confusion crosses her glazed eyes, tilting her head slightly. "Thrush?"

The gray warrior blinked, caught off guard when she called their late brother's name instead of his. After a moment, he got his senses back and shook his head. "No, it's me, Wolffang."


She moved a little closer and took another look and her body sagged slightly when she confirmed it was him. A small pang ached in his chest when he saw her disappointment, but he faintly shook his head to rid himself of hard feeligns and lightly nudged her.

"Come on. Im not sure where we are, but im sure it would be better if the clan was together until we figure out what is going on."

"The clan, huh?" Her voice held an uninterested tone as she slowly pushed herself up and glanced around.

Wolffang felt confused and unsure on how to handle his sister's new behavior and was about to suggest bringing her closer to their clanmates, but far enough away where he could ask her some questions to help figure it out when a familiar voice caught his attention. His ears twitched and he realized it was Mumblepaw calling out for them. With another nudge, he lead Willowstar towards the sound of the medicine cat apprentice's voice, calling out in response.

"We're right here, Mumblepaw. Im not sure what happened. All I remember is suddenly ending up here even though we were together in the medicine cat den. I dont suppose you know anything?"

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-08 03:59:51


Snowecho | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | Healthy | Snowy clearing | Mentions: Horsetail(D), Open!

Snowecho's whiskers twitched briefly when he heard the laugh, he was definitely wrong about that tom's name. He was relieved to hear the kindness in Horsetail's tone. He had worried for so long that all the other cats hated him for not remembering some things. Even if it was not his fault and he felt like there was no use trying to remember. He had started to believe that the memories would come back if Starclan believed it was right. As long as the cats he cared about knew that he still cared about them, that was probably good enough. At least he hoped. He had been a little lost in that direction of thought when he felt Horsetail's muzzle under his. He let the other tom lift it and gave a soft purr at his words. "Thank you." He mewed quietly, returning the smile he was given. He held back a little laugh as his fellow medicine cat went on and proceeded to stumble over his words. Something about the way Horsetail would do this some times made him think that there was perhaps something more between them. He had had this thought often, and found that he himself was growing more and more fond of him as time passed.

As the snow cascaded down upon Horsetail, Snowecho could not hold back his laughter. It was quite the amusing sight. He lifted a paw and brushed snow away from the other medicine cat's head, laughter still bubbling past his lips. "Perhaps we should call you Snowtail instead." He joked, starting to help dig him out of the merciless snow. Somehow this little talk alone with Horsetail had calmed everything down, soothed him and made him think that they would get through this new strange situation. After all they had been through, why would they not get through this? Maybe the medicine cats could explore for herbs while warriors guarded them. That was a good idea, he should suggest it to Willowstar and Sunstar, but it could wait. Now, he wanted to enjoy the calm and relaxed atmosphere he and Horsetail had created together.

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Edited on 08/03/19 @ 04:00:38 by The Cat Prince(Clean) (#117962)

Ame (#170051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-08 10:39:18

Twistedpaw | 8 Moons | Apprentice
Decently Healthy - Paw acting up
Snowy Clearing
Mentions - Lionkit, Earthquake, Blossomheart | Indirect Mentions - Swallowfall Maplekit

A loud, but short laugh escaped his deepening voice as he bounded towards where the rest of his clan were. He looked back to see if the calico kit was running after him, just as their names were being called. His ear was the first to swivel in that direction, and then his head. It was Earthquake, alongside the lighter bi-colored that was his mentor. He walked over to the warriors, limping in his usual way as he did so. His paw was starting to get slightly agitated as he walked, the cold digging in with sharp teeth. He ignored it, hating that once more he could not be normal. When he heard the darker-brown tom speak once more, both of his ears flattened for a moment. The tuxedo was nearly 9 moons old. He hadn't been an apprentice for long, but he still wasn't a kit.

“I am fine.” Twistedpaw's undercoat was decently thick in the winter, even back in the original camp. It was odd, when paired with the fact during summer it was thin. His entirely white tail poofed out even more with his current coat. At the mention of his large, unmarked paw, he shifted his fire-and-ice vision towards it. “It hurts, but it is not something new. I am good to walk, and would prefer to.”

A rumbling laugh escaped the young tom, as he watched Lionkit yell excitedly towards the calico she-kit. His laugh echoed what his voice may become. Gravely, and deep. It was not dissimilar to what his father's was. Even though both of his parents were no longer around, he looked like a balanced mix of the two. Darkwater, his father, had been a dark grey tabby tom who was massive… However was known to be a marshmallow when it came to his clan. Spotteddeer, his mother, was an elegant orange bicolored who was not on the dainty side either and was not afraid to tear into hides if someone harmed her clan. He heard stories about them, however he could not remember what they looked like. A dark spot of jealousy murmured as the monochrome apprentice watched the calico twins, but he shook it off.

It was then, that a new voice caught his attention, echoing out into the clearing. It was Swallowfall, calling cats to patrol the surrounding area. His gaze whipped to that of Blossomheart, and began the time-old apprentice question. “Can I come along?” Both of his ears were pricked as high as they could go, followed closely by the cloud-like tail. He hadn't been able to do much due to his disability, and he desperately wanted to join in and help.

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Edited on 08/03/19 @ 10:39:55 by Ame (#170051)

Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2019-03-08 17:37:34


Stormberry - 36 moons - Co-Deputy - Healthy - Clearing - Mentions: Snowecho (ID), Stripecloud (ID), Raindrop (ID), Sunstar (D), Swallowfall (D), open!

Stormberry was startled by the sudden change in scenery. Everything felt a lot colder, and the large tom was made incredibly uneasy. Still, as he took a shaky breath and looked around, at least there was no more battling, at least for now. He quickly noticed Snowecho, and his anxiety was lessened, but only for a moment. The medicine cat that he cared so deeply about didn't even remember his name. Even just the thought made his heart hurt and his head spin. Yes, he had Sunstar, and Swallowfall, but his connections in the Clan were dwindling, and it was tearing at him more and more as time went on. He thought about making his way over to Stripecloud and Raindrop, but they seemed busy, and a more pressing noise caught his attention before he could talk to them.

Tucking his tail up against his belly fur, the deputy padded to where Sunstar was when he heard the mention of his name. The distress in his voice had drawn him, and Swallowfall was there too. They were his main lifelines left in the Clan, and he desperately needed their company. He bumped his broad head against Sunstar and licked his cheeks, concern reflecting in his gentle eyes. Curling himself around his mate, he felt suddenly protective. He didn't know what was going on, or whether they were in any danger, but it was better safe than sorry.

"Sunstar, I'm here, are you okay?" He asked, his voice cracking softly. He shot a glance at Swallowfall too. He sorely wanted their reunion too, but he had to make sure his mate was alright first and foremost.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-03-08 19:35:34


Maplekit/Starlingkit | 6 Moons | Kit | Healthy | [Snowy Clearing] | Mentions: Lionkit (D), Swallowfall (ID)

Maplekit called out to her brother again, but something caught her attention. She felt a shiver go down her pelt, and turned around to see a pair of eyes staring at her. She scrambled away, not even looking to see what the creature was. She ran, without looking back.
Before long, the small calico ran face first into a lump of fur, and mewed in surprise.
"Lionkit!" She pounced on her brother, smothering him in licks. She was so glad to have found him so easily. It must be a littermate thing.. in her thoughts, she completely forgot about the creature that scared her outside the clearing.
She wanted to know if Swallowfall was okay.. Their conversation was cut off at the worst time, and she thought they should talk about it again.. But not now. Now, she had to be glad her brother was okay. Without him, she'd fall apart.
Yeah, you sure would.
Starlingkit! I thought you were gone!
Sorry to dissapoint, but you're stuck with me. I was feeling a bit woozy after what just happened. Thought I would retreat for a bit to compose myself.
I didn't know you could do that.. that's cool. Now I have my best friends back. Everything is going to be fine.
Yeah, don't smother me too much. I can only handle so much of it.
Maplekit laughed out loud suddenly, and then shrank away from her brother, blushing in embarrassment. She didn't seem to realize the cats around Lionkit, but they didn't matter to her right now. Her attention was undivided on her brother.

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Edited on 08/03/19 @ 19:39:54 by Quake™ .Hiatus. (#69866)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 16:39:03


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Lionkit, Maplekit, Cats going on patrol|Location: Snowy clearing

Horsetail gave a dry chuckle, as Snowecho suggested that they should rename him to Snowtail. With expert aim, he flicked his ear, sending some snow directly into Snowecho's face. Horsetail chuckled, "Now your name, fits perfectly", the golden tabby tom said. Liting up his paw, he shook some of the snow off it. He did not really care about the rest, his fur was thick enough- nowhere near as thick as Snowecho's of course- but it keeps him warm enough. 'If we could sit closer....', Horsetail thought. Not really sure if he should chance this, the medicine cat looked to the sky. It looked like it would start snowing more any second, they should find a place to stay safe and warm.
Turning his golden eyes back on the clan cats, he wondered if he should tell the cats, going out on patrol, to see if they could find some place for the cats to find shelter in. "We need to find shelter", Horsetail stated. His eyes moved to the kits and apprentices, all of them where in deep snow. "We need to at least, get the young ones into somewhere warmer and out of the snow", Horsetail added, looking to Snowecho. Slowly moving his tail, with this he shifted the snow off it, Horsetail placed on Snowecho's. He did not intertwine his tail with the white tom's, but definitely invited it. He did not want to push the fluffy white tom into anything, though he wanted nothing more then to nuzzle up to Snowecho.
Seeing Maplekit knock Lionkit over several tail lengths away, Horsetail chuckled. "Well, it might be cold, but they", here he paused to nod at the kits, "Seem to still be having fun. They're going to be freezing though", Horsetail, finishing with a shake of his head. Looking back to Snowecho, he gave the other medecine cat a smile. "It really would be convenient, if all of us had your thick coat. Then we would not have to worry, about our clanmates getting sick", Horsetail said, thinking practically. "Then again....", leaning over he pushed his nose into Snowecho's scruff, "If all of us had thick fur, I would not liking doing this quite as much", he finished. This was nice, he'd done this sometimes before, before Snowecho had lost his memory, before all of this strange stuff had started to happen. Drawing back, Horsetail gave the white tom next to him a kind, loving smile.


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Maplekit|Mentions Indirectly: Sunstar, Stormberry, Lioncloud, Ivypaw, Snowecho, Horsetail|Location: Snowy Clearing

He looked over to Swallowfall, as the deputy called out names to go out on patrol. 'A patrol to find out where they were, hu?', the young tom thought. Looking around the very snowy scenery, he also wondered where they were. 'Lioncloud.... Lioncloud!!!', the kit called again in his head and again, no answer. Why? Why did the Starclan cat not answer, he'd always done so before. 'He's probably just busy putting Starclan back into order', Lionkit thought, trying to reassure himself.
The kit felt alone, he was surrounded by his clanmates, but with Maplekit so far away and Lioncloud not answering.... the kit just felt so alone. What if Lioncloud never answered again? Lionkit looked down to the snowy ground and shuffled his paws, kicking some of it up. He needed to stop this, stop being such a "Kit". He needed to be stronger, braver, he needed to be a warrior. Although the young tom had been quite close to crying, a new surge of confidence now filled his small fluffy body. Placing his paw back on the ground with a thud, his blue eyes where suddenly harder. This cold, this whole situation was nothing, he would be strong.
Hearing Stormberry's voice all of a sudden, Lionkit looked over to the deputy. He watched as the very large dark brown tom razed to Sunstar's side, the kit cocked his head to the side. He, like all others, had heard the leader suddenly freak out for no apparent reason whatsoever. Was he alright? Lionkit looked to Sunstar questiongly. Ivypaw looked to be with the golden leader, but not Snowecho or Horsetail, so maybe it was not serious? Once he reunited with Maplekit, maybe they should go over to Sunstar? He was their uncle, though the leader did seem to be a bit distant since he woke up. He'd overheard some of the older cats talking about, how the leaders, medicine cat, and deputy had lost part of their memory's and somehow it involved him and Maplekit. They all really needed to talk, Lionkit concluded.
All of a sudden, Lionkit let out a muffled cry, as he was suddenly buffeted over. He was about to fight back against his "attacker", but stopped when he took notice of the tricolored pelt. Next came the very familiar scent and the sound of his name being called. "Maple...", Lionkit started, but was not able to finish, as he was suddenly covered in licks. Struggling to lean away, while not harming his littermate, Lionkit grunted. "I... I... I'm alright", he said, "Maplekit, please", he added, leaning away even more. Once his sister stopped, Lionkit let out a sigh and let his head fall back on the ground. "What was that for?", he asked. Reaching up he padded his littermate on the head with his paw, it was not hard, but would surely get her attention. "That was for the lick", the young tom stated. Shoving his front leg under Maplekit's front leg and twisting over, he rolled his sister over, so that now she was also in the snow. "And that was for pouncing on me", Lionkit said, looming over Maplekit now, with a smug smile.

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Edited on 09/03/19 @ 16:39:37 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 10:08:12


Raindrop | 15 Moons | Warrior | Healthy | Snowy Clearing | Mentions: 
Directly: Stripecloud
Indirectly: The Patrol

Raindrop touched her nose to Stripecloud's shoulder, sensing a slight distress from him. "Don't worry, whatever it is, I'll always be here to help you." She murmured before taking a slight hopping step back over the snow. It stick to her belly in clumps and was starting to sting her belly from the cold.

She bent her head to get the largest clumps off, hissing once again as she knew if she were taller she'd be better off. Sighing, she dug some space and swiveled her ears to listen for any suggestion of finding some warmer place to go. Raindrop looked up at Stripecloud, "I don't know about you, but half this clan is going to lose their tails to the cold if we don't start searching for a place to camp out soon. I don't even want to think about when it gets dark..." A shiver passed through her.

"Let's hope that patrol is quick."

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Edited on 10/03/19 @ 10:08:50 by ❄Swiftbreeze [WB🐾]❄ (#140966)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-03-10 14:58:32

Blossomheart~24 moons~Warrior~Healthy~Clearing~Mentions: Earthquake, Swallowfall, Sunstar, Twistedpaw, *OPEN*

Her head whirled in confusion as she frantically looked around the clearing. Earthquake's words broke up her confusion, and she gave him a nod, before he turned away. Her ears flicked at the mention of her name, and by Sunstar this time. She was able to catch the word patrol. She looked around the clearing as she faintly heard Swallowfall call out to the cats again that Sunstar had. But all was put to rest, and calmed when a younger voice came from behind her. She turned around to see the black and white apprentice there, and she realized she was not setting a good example. She took a moment to gather herself, her thoughts, before approaching the young tom. "You'll have to ask Swallowfall if you can." She spoke softly to him, trying to keep her own fear in control. It felt like she had ants in her pelt with the fear she forced herself to hide, like it is the imaginary ants in her pelt.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-10 20:42:33


Hawkstrike|16 Moons|Healthy|Warrior|Snowy Clearing|Mentions: Pebblesplash

Hawkstrike smiled and stood up. He pressed his nose to Pebblesplash's. "I want to spend the rest of my moons with you as well. I know that for sure." Hawkstrike licked her cheek. He then heard Swallowfall call for Pebblepslash. He let out a small sigh. "You better go. I'll talk to you later." Hawkstrike smiled. Even though he didn't know where they were, he felt happy and his confusion was gone. As if it had evaporated into thin air. He felt good. He waved his tail as a goodbye to Pebblesplash and walked off so she could go on the patrol.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 11:24:57


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Healthy| Warrior|Clearing| Mentions: Hawkstrike, Earthquake, Blossomheart, Twistedpaw(D) Swallowfall (ID)
**if someone could do the @‘s for me that’d be great- sorry discord is complicated right now~**
Pebblesplash purred briefly, caught in the moment. A call pricked her ears and she looked apologetically at Hawkstrike. He sighed, but told her it was alright. A he walked off, a small smile set it, joy lacing her movements as she made her way to the patrol.

Wait till Clear—
She stopped midstep, another wave of grief slapping her in the face. Now is not the time. The grey she-cat continued forward, spotting Earthhquake, Blossomheart, and Twistedpaw waiting by the edge of the clearing. She bound over.

”Hey,” she said to the cats, ”Sorry I’m late, just was… busy…” Pebblesplash trailed off sheepishly.

Oh well.

The wind was already making her cold.
”Hopefully this won’t take too long… I’d hate to be stuck out here all night.” she shuddered at the thought.

”Oh,Earthquake! You’re okay!” she’d been so caught up in the her grief and Hawkstrike, she forgot to find her uncle. It was a relief to see someone else she trusted alive. Relief washed through her. She then turned to Blossomheart and Twistedpaw.
”Hello, how are you?” she mewed politely.

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Edited on 11/03/19 @ 11:25:20 by •Hurri• (#147819)

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