Posted by | Voyagers: Wolf RP |
![]() Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-08-29 17:49:45 |
PlotlineMany generations ago, the four packs lived in peace in the comforts of their established territories, before disaster struck. Slowly, more and more humans crept in to study them and visit their home, but with them they brought filth and fire. After a horribly dry season, the land burst into flames, driving the four packs away from home and far away from each other, where they all lived in isolation. Now, almost 50 years later, the ancestors have spoken: it is time to return. The packs have returned to what their ancestors had originally inhabited for countless years, with the humans completely gone. The forest has regrown, but the relationships that the packs once had with each other...will tensions grow poor? Will they chase each other from their home? Or will all be as right as rain? Rules-I'm in college, and we all have lives. This RP will be laid-back and NOT rushed. -High ranks (alpha, beta, scout, commander, healer) MUST be accepted before RPing. -High Rank Limit: 1-2 per user, less is preferred to give all members a chance. -Regular ranks do not need to be accepted before RPing, jump right in. -All lioden rules apply, and be cool with one and other. -High ranks should be able to post at least once a week. -POST MINIMUM: 3 sentences with at least 3 words. Again, laid-back. -Get permission before forming relationships with characters (mates, siblings, enemies, etc) -Keep user drama to PMs. -Big plots need my approval first. -No super powers or super unrealistic things (pink fur, wings, sight-seeing, etc) -Humans are NOT around. -Wolves only. -No over powered characters. -Max of 5 characters per user. -No more packs, outsiders/exiled wolves cannot form new packs. -Do not roleplay other users' characters. AllegiancesNoctis: Pack of the dark pine forest, watchers of the stars Alphas: Ace Betas: Eerin Healer: Primrose Scout: Scorch Commander: Tahnjo Warriors: Luka, Vice, Nova Adolescents: Mothers: Pups: Lumen: Pack of the meadow, the great storytellers Alphas: Romulus Betas: Bracken & Kiana Healer: Tarkik Scout: Commander: Kuda Warriors: Remus, Besart, Soul Adolescents: Mothers: Pups: Divum: Pack of the twisting willow rivers, the generous hearts Alphas: Doratu Betas: Sarge Healer: Scout: Cadaa Commander: Peter Warriors: Uda, Maiah Adolescents: Mothers: Pups: Pagnia: Pack of the maple forest, bringers of new tradition Alphas: Stark & Nova Betas: Pa'ar Healer: Scout: Commander: Warriors: Iniovij, Kiran Adolescents: Bellarose Mothers: Pups: Outsiders: -Rovaana -Sitka -Faith -Dawn -Ciaran -Icicle LinksCharacter Sheets OOC Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/09/19 @ 14:43:58 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829) |
That1Idiot (#171947)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-01 18:28:54 |
Rovanna / Outsider / She-Wolf / 3 Years / Location: Unspecified Border / Mentions: Sitka, Open Rovanna meandered easily through the thicket, transferring up and over fallen logs. The tawny she-wolf couldn't help the smirk that began to grow and expand over her face. Adventure was soon, no? She slowed her pace in front of a particularly large tree. Examining it from the ground, Rovanna deduced that it was climbable. There were several low hanging branches that could act as steps to get about half way up the tree, and, thanks to her light weight, should be able to support her as well. The she-wolf was just about to make the first leap when she was startled out of her focus by the sound of another voice behind her. She yelped slightly and flipped around, "I WASN'T DOING ANYTHING," she yipped a little to loudly. She blinked owlishly at her... had she been here before then and simply not have realized? It was possible, the tawny she-wolf mused. "Uh...You might have?" She mumbled, body held stiffly with her head held high. ![]() |
🌵 | zoinked (#88158)
Terrifying View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 04:21:55 |
Bracken ![]() |
msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 05:04:01 |
Doratu yawned, thumping his tail on the ground in a attempt to catch the attention of the apparent alpha. "Ah, hello? Are you the alpha?" He asked, standing up from his spot. Finally. He kept his skeptical look on Romulus ![]() |
Delinquent (#93594)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 05:51:13 |
Romulus | Lumen | Alpha | Location: Lumen Camp | Mentions: Besart, Remus, Tarkik, Bracken, Doratu ![]() |
msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 05:59:22 |
"I am not a loner, leader of pack Lumen. I am Doratu, leader of pack Divum. I came to tell you that all the packs are here. I didn't think you'd be so... brutish and blunt." He stared Romulus down, glaring slightly. "Well, you should be nicer to your underlings, as they might turn against you if they do not." Doratu turned and began to jog out, panting. Well, he'd figured out the touche pack. Now to find out what the other packs acted like. ![]() Edited on 02/09/19 @ 08:36:09 by 🌟Bright🌟 (#174627) |
Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 08:30:27 |
Sitka // Outsider // Location: Unspecified Border // Mentions: Rovaana, Open That wolf wasn't contemplating climbing a tree, right? Trees are for squirrels, the ground is for the wolves! Admittedly, Sitka was terrified of heights, so something as rash as scaling a tree was far out of the question for her. But whatever floated this wolf's boat, she supposed... The shocked yip from the other female caused the silvered canine to recoil minorly, before regaining her typical chill disposition to watch her fellow outsider spin around. "Not doing anything?" The gentle-natured wolf mused with a slight tip to the side of her head, an amused gleam in her pale optics. No, this stranger wasn't doing anything particularly harmful, unless she was set on...jumping anybody who passed underneath her tree. But Sitka didn't recommend that, sounded painful. "Looks to me like you were considering climbing that." She motioned to the stocky tree with a motion of her coal-black nose. Glancing back to the thin stranger, Sitka took note of her stiffening posture, and decided to resume her typical laid-back approach, so not as to make her fellow loner feel threatened. "You're a loner too, right?" Bowing down in a relaxed pose to reveal that she was clearly uninterested in causing a scuffle, she raised her chin to give her neck a good stretch before returning to a basic stance. "I've been here for six or so moons now, and strangely enough, my old pack's here now. I was itching to sniff you out and meet ya before travel became more...difficult." She was referring primarily to the new, vast territories set by the packs. Remus // Lumen Pack // Warrior // Location: Lumen Camp // Mentions: Romulus, Bracken, Besart, Tarkik, Doratu Oh yes, of course this was his fault, he was always to blame. He couldn't breath without getting nipped at anymore. The spidery wolf held back an irritated sigh as his brother proceeded to put the healer into his place. Should he have taken up the mantle of alpha like he had intended to do, would he have treated this packmates in this manner? Would he have had made Romulus his own beta, loyally standing by his side as Bracken did to their current alpha? Don't be a wishy-washy fool. He scolded himself, gaze hardening as he glowered at the earth beneath his paws. The bond we once had is long gone. When they prepared to head out once more, at long last, a bead of hope worked its way into Remus' chest. Perhaps, out at the burrows, tensions would lesson and they pack would rejoice in their catches. He could use some fresh air at this rate, before apprehension choked him out. Raising a single slender limb, he prepared to take his first step forward until something else got in their way of finally leaving camp and troubles behind. He bristled at the stranger, not simply because he was intruding, rather because the lowly warrior was sick and tired of interruptions that prevented him from escaping camp. Grrr, by the ancestors! If only he had the build and fighting capabilities of his brother! With his lips peeled back in the slightest of snarls aimed at Doratu, the rusty male stood behind Besart with a stance that changed from a slouch to stiffening rage. ![]() |
Sleep 🌱 (#44085)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 09:29:15 |
Besart | Lumen | Warrior | Location: Lumen Camp | Mentions: Romulus, Remus, Doratu He could feel the tension in his muscles melt away as Romulus turned to storm off, not without the last say of course. Nonetheless, Besart was just glad he didn't have to take a beating from the other male. He had only just met these wolves a month prior and they were already proving to be a handful, although he could have realized that at first glance. He wasn't on any of their sides, due to knowing little to nothing about any of them, but he wasn't one to stand idle and allow needless violence to happen right in front of him.. Mostly stemming from the fact that he grew up with two reckless younger sisters. The entrance of the strange male, Doratu caught him off guard and he gave the foreign leader a bewildered stare as he and Romulus had their short conversation before parting ways. "That was.. odd." He murmurs to himself, though loud enough for the others to hear as well. Even if he were the alpha of a neighbouring pack it was either incredibly brave or reckless of him to come strolling into their camp unannounced, then comment on Romulus' leadership capabilities after just witnessing him almost thrash one of his subordinates. Eerin | Noctis | Beta | Location: Noctis Territory | Mentions: Primrose "Cnidium? I'm unfamiliar with that plant." Eerin responds with an inquisitive tone to her voice, shimmying most of the thorns out of her pelt with a final shake, "I'm quite alright, if a few scratches were going to harm me I would have been dead long ago." She says jokingly, her eyes lingering on the patch of thorns for a moment. Primrose was correct, she needed to make a mental note of clearing a new path here for the future but for now.. she hurries ahead, stepping over a decaying fallen log and marveling as the forest opens up. Large, warn trees covered partially in both hanging lichen and pillowy moss lined a small but strong flowing stream. "Gather as much as you can and pile it here," She motions to a spot at the base of a tree, "Though leave a bit so that it will regrow in the future. I'll have a few warriors come back to collect what we can't carry back." Kiran | Pagnia | Warrior | Location: Pagnia Territory | Mentions: N/a Kiran's breath came out in huffs as he trudged along the borders of Pagnia Territory, marking his scent every few feet and stopping from time to time to calm down his beating heart. Border patrol.. dull, boring and needlessly tiring. He plops down on his haunches, tongue lolling out to the side as he glances around at the shrubby landscape he had found himself in. Once he was finished doing this he could do.. well, anything he wanted to do. Unless, of course, he was called back by the alphas to complete another task. Though the move was exciting, roaming the territory every morning to build up the pack's scent had made the landscape blur together in his mind. Where was he again? He couldn't smell anything but the pungent scent of maple sap that seemed to love getting stuck to his coat every chance it got. ![]() |
Jay (#182776)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 10:22:28 |
Luka / Noctis Pack Warrior / Location: Noctis main camp Luka's white tipped tail swung behind him with a wag and he relaxed his jaws into a smile, focusing his eyes on Scorch. Quite a team they would make, he thought to himself with amusement. He could tell she preferred silence in her companionship. "Sounds fine to me, as long as you're fine with that, Scorch?" He said with a friendly tone. The male padded towards her and past the alpha, whom he bumped with his shoulder playfully, making sure his head was held low as a sign of his submissive action. "I'm ready to leave whenever you are!" ![]() |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 10:42:31 |
↞ { Scorch } ↠ ![]() |
msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 10:54:16 |
Doratu jogged back into the willow grove, panting. Well, that wasn’t a very stable pack, not with that alpha. The beta wasn’t much better. He thought back to the subordinate wolves that the savage alpha had been threatening. One, a healer, the others warriors. One had looked sort of like the alpha, in a more foxy way. Humph. Well, he’d see more of that pack later. Until then, dinner time. Doratu slid over to the wide stream that divided the camp. He waited, before stabbing his muzzle into the water and coming up with a slim, silvery fish. Minnow. Nice. He’d go to the bigger river later, to try for trout or salmon, but until then the minnow would date him. He gulped it down and went to flop on a rock. ![]() |
Jay (#182776)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 11:17:16 |
Luka / Noctis Pack Warrior / Location: Noctis Territory The gray canine padded happily after Scorch, getting the feel he should tone it down a bit once alone with her. She didn't seem the type for his playful attitude and he understood that, well aware he could be too much sometimes. He shook his thick fur out with a sneeze to refocus and kept near his packmate, gently peeling the moss from the other side of the tree with his white nails. "So, I'm kinda new to this pack. How long have you been here?" He asked conversationally, his green eyes peering around the wide wooden trunk. ![]() |
Delinquent (#93594)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 11:46:58 |
Romulus | Lumen | Alpha | Location: Lumen Camp | Mentions: Besart, Remus, Doratu ![]() |
Sleep 🌱 (#44085)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 13:18:47 |
Besart | Lumen | Warrior | Location: Lumen Camp | Mentions: Romulus, Remus Besart slowly lowered himself to the ground, casting a thoughtful gaze towards the burrows as his leader spoke, "Perhaps you and I can block two of the entrances instead of completely destroying them, while Remus takes the free burrow," Destroying the entrances would most likely cause the rabbits to relocate, but if they could hunt here responsibly this could be a valuable resource to the pack, "Once we catch our fill we can attempt to find another burrow and allow this one to repopulate." He stretches his back legs out behind him and blinks at the sun glaring into his eyes from above. Though he was tall, he wasn't as quick on his feet as he used to be due to the injury that permanently weakened the muscle of his back leg. He tries to hide it well and make up for it the best he can but the ugly truth of the situation is that it's a major hindrance. He lets out a soft hum as he gets lost in his thoughts. Remus seemed much more agile and Romulus more powerful than he could ever dream of being, they could be quite the force to be reckoned with.. if only they would work together. ![]() Edited on 02/09/19 @ 17:15:44 by Sleep (#44085) |
That1Idiot (#171947)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 14:05:14 |
Rovanna / Outsider / She-Wolf / 3 Years / Location: Unspecified Border / Mentions: Sitka, Open Rovanna relaxed slightly as she realized she was in little danger from this... 'fellow outsider' as she so elegantly put it. Her gaze flickered back behind her to the tree at the mention of it before resettling it on the stranger. "'Loner?'" Rovanna tilted her head and move to sit, slowly, as she answered the stranger's question. "I prefer the term, 'free spirit,' or 'wanderer' even!" She grinned cheekily at her. "Name's Rovanna. You?" ![]() |
Patryx [1GCleanShadowCinnaM R] (#173231) Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-02 14:19:24 |
Vice // Warrior // Location: Noctis camp and Border // Mentions: Open Vice slunk out of her den a few hours later, stewing. The camp was silent, most of its members absent. She padded out the entrance and loped into the woods, headed for nowhere in particular. It was days like these when she wondered why she had even come to the forest in the first place, when things were falling apart so fast. It was days like these when she missed him the most. She found herself on the edge of the territory, waiting for something, lost. Waiting for a lost soul that would never come home. Vice heaved a sigh, flipping onto the ground. Leaves skittered around her. If things hadn't resolved by the meeting, she was leaving. A scent drifted by, and she stiffened, electricity striking her. A forgotten scent, a lost memory. She struggled to her paws, nose to the wind. It was him. She began to run, adrenaline pumping her legs faster. Hope trilled like a harp in her chest and the ice around her heart began to thaw. It grew stronger, clumping by a big boulder. Maybe on the other side. She rounded the boulder and found- Nothing. Just a pile of feathers drifting in the wind, and the cooling scent of a strange wolf- muddled with the scent of a strange pack. Nothing old, no memories. Her stomach dropped and she turned back home, disappointed. She no longer cared about the forest. Any hope she had of finding him here(that irrational thread she had clung to) withered in the wind, fluttering away like the feathers in the clearing. She was seeing mirages, but they hurt too much to be dreams. She returned to camp for the second time that day, desolate. Iniovij // Warrior // Location: pagnia Border // Mentions: Open Iniovij trotted home, licking his lips to clean them of any bird residue. He had no idea what he had missed. ![]() |